
Defines a gNOI protocol API for config management feature.

Table 1. Configuration management remote procedure calls
RPC Purpose
CopyDefaultToRunning Copy default-config to running-config.
syntax = "proto3";

package cfgmgmt;

import "";

//The ConfigManagement service provides an interface for config related operations on Target.
service ConfigManagement {
	//CopyDefaultToRunning RPC is used for copying default-config to running-config 
	//This leads to auto reboot of the device on success
	rpc CopyDefaultToRunning(CopyDefaultRunningRequest) returns (CopyResponse) {};


message CopyRequest {
        oneof Request {
                CopyDefaultRunningRequest copy_default_running_request = 1;

//CopyDefaultRunningRequest message is sent whenever default-config need to to be applied to running-config.
message CopyDefaultRunningRequest {

//CopyResponse returns with success or failure in response to CopyDefaultRunningRequest request
message CopyResponse {
	oneof response {
		Success success = 1;
		Failure failure = 2;

//Success message is used to inform the client that the operation is succesfull.
message Success {}

//Failure message is used to inform the client that the operation has failed 
//error message is used to return with the failure reason.
message Failure {
  string error_message =1;