Perform HTTP-Based Recovery


  1. On a web server, download and decompress the software tarball and move the resulting directory to the root of the web server.
  2. Modify the permissions of the directory to allow access for the web server daemon.
  3. Verify that the software directory is accessible by using a web browser to access the directory.
  4. On the Extreme 9920, configure and verify network connectivity to the server.
    1. Configure the network.
      # ifconfig eth1 netmask up
    2. Configure the default route.
      # route add default gw
    3. Verify network connectivity to the server.
      # ping
  5. Run the onie-nos-install command with the URL to the binary for the device.
    ONIE:/ #onie-nos-install http://<URL-to-binary>/ONLPv2_ONIE_installer.bin.NGNPB_<version_date_build>_UTC