Modular software package for Stack Upgrades

This version adds a new modular software package (XMOD) to help upgrade a stack from from ExtremeXOS 30.1 or 22.x or older to 30.3 or later. The XMODs are onie-tftp-1.1.xmod, summitX-tftp-1.1.xmod, and summit_arm-tftp-1.1.xmod. This feature resolves a write error where the download to a Standby or Backup node fails when downloading a newer software image to a stack.

To upgrade the stack from the older (ExtremeXOS 30.1 or earlier) to newer (ExtremeXOS 30.3 or later) software, confirm the stack is booted to the correct older version that will become the inactive partition after installing and restarting to the desired newer software (ExtremeXOS 30.3 or later). Once you have confirmed that the stack is using the correct older version of the software, you can install the new XMOD on the active partition by doing the following:

  1. Enter the download [url url {vr vrname} | image [active | inactive] [[hostname | ipaddress] filename {{vr} vrname} {block-size block_size}] {partition} {install {reboot}} command.
  2. Verify that the XMOD is successfully installed to the active partition of all stack members by entering the show version images command.
  3. Install the newer version of ExtremeXOS by entering the download [url url {vr vrname} | image [active | inactive] [[hostname | ipaddress] filename {{vr} vrname} {block-size block_size}] {partition} {install {reboot}} command.
  4. Verify that the ExtremeXOS is successfully installed to all stack members by entering the show version images command.
  5. Optional: Uninstall the XMOD from the active partition of all stack members by entering the uninstall image fname command, where fname is the name of the XMOD as reported in the show version images command.

If an attempt is made to install the XMOD to a partition running an incompatible version of ExtremeXOS, the following error message displays:

This XMOD can only be installed on ExtremeXOS less than 30.2.

This XMOD can be installed when using any version of ExtremeXOS. For more information, see Knowledge Base article 000058389.

Supported Platforms

All platforms.