This release includes the following CLI changes that are not related to new features:
A show application openapi command is available to display the status of openAPI on switches that support ExtremeCloud IQ.
The output of the show fulltech command includes information from the show khi performance rx-queue command.
The output of the show tech command is aligned with the output of the show fulltech command.
The show khi cpp port-statistics command includes a new parameter, spbm-internal-ports, to include internal loopback traffic.
This release includes the ability to configure the mac-offset parameter for mvpn-isid from EDM. In previous releases, this functionality was available through CLI only. For more information, see VOSS User Guide.
This release adds FPGA CPLD version 1.2.42. You must manually upgrade the version using the cpld-install fgpa command. For more information, see VOSS User Guide.