Defects Closed without Code Changes

The following defects were closed in Extreme Fabric Automation 2.7.2.

Parent Defect ID: EFA-12600 Issue ID: EFA-12600
Reason Code: Not a Software Defect Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: Extreme Fabric Automation Reported in Release: EFA 2.3.2
Symptom: EFA certificates have expired or about to expire.
Condition: The issue will be observed if devices being added to fabric have IP addresses assigned on interfaces and these IP addresses are already reserved by EFA for other devices.

Delete the IP addresses on interfaces of devices having conflicting configuration so that new IP addresses can be reserved for these devices. One way to clear the device configuration is using below commands:

1. Register the device with inventory

efa inventory device register --ip <ip1, ip2> --username admin --password password

2. Issue debug clear "efa fabric debug clear-config --device <ip1, ip2>"


Perform the following steps to renew EFA certificates on 2.3.x and 2.4.x.

1. cd /apps/efa/efacerts

2. Generate a new certificate using the tls.key from <IP>-certs folder

# openssl req -new -sha256 -key <IP>-certs/tls.key -subj "/" | openssl x509 -req -sha256 \

-CA /apps/efa/efacerts/extreme-ca.cert.pem \

-CAkey /apps/efa/efacerts/extreme-ca.key.pem \

-CAcreateserial \

-out newtls.crt -days 365 \

-extensions v3_req -extfile /apps/efa/efacerts/extreme-openssl.cnf-san

3. Install the new certificate into traefik using the following shell script

# if ./ --cert /apps/efa/efacerts/newtls.crt --key /apps/efa/efacerts/<IP>-certs/tls.key ; then

cp newtls.crt <IP>-certs/tls.crt

cp newtls.crt /apps/efadata/certs/own/tls.crt



4. Wait for the traefik pod to restart (1-2min)

5. Restart the running goraslog pod

Parent Defect ID: EFA-13367 Issue ID: EFA-13367
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: Extreme Fabric Automation Reported in Release: EFA 2.7.0
Symptom: DRC does not restore config after MCT PO member port shutdown manually in SLX

Execute in device command 'shutdown' of member port of MCT PO.

EFA device update brings the device to 'cfg-refresh'

Execute Drift-reconcile for device does not bring the member port back up ie 'no shutdown' is not issued on member port interface.

Workaround: Execute on device 'no shutdown' on the interface manually on the device.
Recovery: Execute 'efa fabric configure' for fabric to bring devices in efa to in-sync state.

Parent Defect ID: EFA-13588 Issue ID: EFA-13588
Reason Code: Working as Designed Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: Extreme Fabric Automation Reported in Release: EFA 2.7.0
Symptom: efa tenant vrf update - Updation of the OOB Static Routes is not supported

An enhancement was introduced in EFA 2.7.0 where the user is restricted to update/delete out of band SR/SR-BFD through EFA so the mentioned behavior in the defect is expected. This enhancement is to let the user know which SR/SR-BFD is configured out of band.

Out of band SR/SR-BFDs configuration can only be deleted/updated explicitly from switch it self and same will be reflected in EFA with inventory device update of that device.

Recovery: None: Working as designed
Parent Defect ID: EFA-13643 Issue ID: EFA-13643
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: Extreme Fabric Automation Reported in Release: EFA 2.5.4
Symptom: After recovery procedure for 2 EFA certificates show efa status as down on both nodes

There is an issue in the published article to stop the monitor service instead of efamonitor service. So, the certificate renewal script didn't finish to completion. It didn't redeploy RASlog daemonset. Since all the pods are not available, efa status was showing the node status as down.

The article will be updated with the required changes.


Documents updated:

EFA from 2.3.2 up to 2.6.x

EFA from 2.7.x

These can be used for certificate renewal in EFA.


Below documents have been updated with the correct procedure: