Open Defects

The following defects are open in this release of Extreme Visibility Manager.

Parent Defect ID: XVM-1224 Issue ID: XVM-1224
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 0.1.0
Symptom: During export configuration from MLX/SLX to 9920, policy name and match names displayed which are given by the XVM instead of the actual name.
Condition: During export configuration from MLX/SLX to 9920, policy name and match names displayed which are given by the XVM instead of the actual name.
Workaround: NA
Recovery: NA
Parent Defect ID: XVM-1970 Issue ID: XVM-1970
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.0.0
Symptom: Demand reconciliation is not working
Condition: one of regional node is rebooted
Workaround: Wait for the rebooted regional node join to patroni cluster
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2125 Issue ID: XVM-2125
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.0.0
Symptom: Login to XVM GUI gives "Invalid Username" even when we give right credentials.
Condition: Happens when regional VM reboots.

1. Always keep regional VM which is Leader running, Leader VM can be identified by below command on any regions VMs.

[root@ ~]# patronictl -c /opt/app/patroni/etc/postgresql.yml list postgres

+ Cluster: postgres (6969515509939729866) --------------------

MemberHostRoleStateTLLag in MB


pg_10.37.136.16210.37.136.162 running20


pg_10.37.136.16410.37.136.164 running80

2. Check on monitoring alerts for Patroni "PostgreSQLReplicationUnhealthy" if so recover it soon with recovery mechanism provided.


1. Power on Leader node

2. backup old data folder on problematic regional nodes.

"mv /var/lib/pgsql/12/data /var/lib/pgsql/12/data_org

3. execute below command "pg_basebackup -h <Leader regional IP> -U cmon_replication -Xs -P -R -D /var/lib/postgresql/12/data"

4 Execute below command and wait for State to change from "creating Replica" to running.

[root@ ~]# patronictl -c /opt/app/patroni/etc/postgresql.yml list postgres

+ Cluster: postgres (6969515509939729866) --------------------

Member Host Role State TL Lag in MB


pg_10.37.136.162 running 2 0

pg_10.37.136.163 Leader running

pg_10.37.136.164 running 8 0

Parent Defect ID: XVM-2130 Issue ID: XVM-2130
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.0.0
Symptom: NGNPB configuration details are not displayed on XVM UI after migrating policy, rules from MLX/SLX devices.
Condition: When ACL rules, policy configuration of source device has syntax/semantic conflicts with NGNPB accepted configuration.
Workaround: Refresh configuration of the NGNPB device again to display the details.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2142 Issue ID: XVM-2142
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.0.0
Symptom: Duplicate port entries are seen in the interface statistics dashboard.
Condition: When the SCS service gets re-initialized, the duplicate entries are seen in the statistics dashboard.
Workaround: Refresh the page, new stats entries will be updated correctly.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2162 Issue ID: XVM-2162
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.0.0
Symptom: Configuration is reconciled from device and old config is retained after Refresh Configuration (on-demand reconciliation).

1. When refresh configuration is performed after rebooting the device.

2. Applying default config on device, this reboots the device.

Workaround: Wait for few minutes (~4-5) before executing refresh configuration. This will allow XVM to reconnect to the device services. If the configs are still persists, please delete and add the device from XVM.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2385 Issue ID: XVM-2385
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Additional "/" character is added when the name of object contain the "/" character
Condition: When the name contains "/" character in the object name
Workaround: Avoid the "/" character in the current release and use other character like "_"
Recovery: Not applicable
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2444 Issue ID: XVM-2444
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: IPv6 match rule mask edit not working
Condition: When a rule with XX::XX/prefix is reconciled for MLXe and if the user updates the mask value for either for source or destination address, same is not reflected on to device and will retain the old mask value.
Workaround: To update mask value of XX::XX/prefix math, delete the match and add match with new mask value
Recovery: Perform the refresh configuration to sync the configuration b/n MLX and XVM.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2452 Issue ID: XVM-2452
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: If ACL contains the IPv4 address in the IPv6 address, those ACLs are not reconciled by the XVM
Condition: IPv4 address are represented as the IPv6 address
Workaround: Provide only ipv6 and ipv4 address separately. IPv4 address should not be given as IPv6 address.
Recovery: not applicable
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2456 Issue ID: XVM-2456
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: When multiple sequence number rules with different combination of prefix are present, the rule update is failing for IPv6 matches
Condition: Multiple prefix combination present in the single rule for IPv6 ACL match
Workaround: None
Recovery: Need to perform the refresh configuration to sync the configuration from device to XVM
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2591 Issue ID: XVM-2591
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: MLX device is stuck in reconciliation state or device configuration is not reconciled during refresh configuration
Condition: Refresh configuration operation performed when device is being rebooted.

- Wait for device reboot to complete and then perform refresh configuration.

- Delete and add the device again from XVM UI.

Parent Defect ID: XVM-2599 Issue ID: XVM-2599
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: For MLX devices, route-map action is not updated with tvf-domain or vlan id.
Condition: When route-map name has special characters like "\".
Workaround: Create route-maps with out special characters.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2601 Issue ID: XVM-2601
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Few Pod restarts seen across regional VMs
Condition: This happens when regional VMs are rebooted randomly.
Workaround: Avoid rebooting multiple VMs at a single time.

1. Login to mongo db pod using below command and check mongo members if all have properly catagorised as Primary or Secondary

a. # kubectl exec -it ms-db-0 -n xvm -- /bin/sh //On ControlPlane

b. mongo

c. rs.status() //Check for “stateStr” it should be “Primary” or “Secondary”

2. If any member is Unknown or have multiple primary and is not recovering we may have to delete underlying persistent volume and restart that replica(Secondary).

a. In the replica (or one of primary if dual primary is seen)

rm -fr /mnt/persistent-cs-volume-*

b. Restart ms-db-* instance for the replica (kubectl get pods -n xvm -o wide , will mention which instance runs on which node)

c. Continue on other replica.

d. cd /etc/xvm/controlplane_node_binaries

e. ./

Parent Defect ID: XVM-2674 Issue ID: XVM-2674
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Egress object column shows number of ports updated even though it failed when we add a lag to egress object whose port are already part of the egress object in MLXe.
Condition: Add a lag to egress object whose port are already part of the egress object in MLXe
Workaround: Error message is displayed in UI notification but egress configuration is not reverted to previous configuration.
Recovery: Reloading the UI page reverts egress to previous configuration
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2708 Issue ID: XVM-2708
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: MLXe device does not get discovered
Condition: The "enable" prompt is enabled with username and password
Workaround: Having default username and password for "enable" prompt on MLXe device
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2738 Issue ID: XVM-2738
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: For slot configurations, if the list of interfaces are not same in different processor, the interfaces are not removed for the egress truncation
Condition: List of interfaces in the slot level truncation contains different set of interfaces in different processor
Workaround: Make sure that the interface list contains same names for both processors in the slot configuration for truncation.
Recovery: Remove the interface from the both processor which should be removed from the truncation after performing the refresh configuration.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2756 Issue ID: XVM-2756
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: If a port is part of lag and is also configured in the packet slicing slot configuration, and if it is removed, then we may see error and there may be configuration differentiated with XVM and device. Same is true if the lag port is part of the TVF domain
Condition: The port which is part of the lag is part of the packet slice or the TVF domain and the port is getting removed
Workaround: None
Recovery: Refresh configuration of device so that XVM fetch the latest configuration from the device
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2793 Issue ID: XVM-2793
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Sometimes ports, port-channels are not displayed after performing refresh configuration.
Condition: Ports, Port-channels are not shown on XVM UI.
Workaround: No work around
Recovery: Switch to another tab (dashboard, inventory) and go back to configuration tab or refresh the page to display the ports/port-channels.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2871 Issue ID: XVM-2871
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Configuration mismatch seen between XVM and device in case of MLX when loopback is enabled for interface of module for which loopback is not supported.
Condition: Enabling the loopback on the interface of module for which loopback is not supported.
Workaround: Don't enable loopback from XVM for interface of module for which loopback is not supported.
Recovery: Perform the refresh configuration from XVM.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2873 Issue ID: XVM-2873
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Sometime egress-group is not shown in the XVM for device and need to switch the tab for getting the egress-group configuration
Condition: Egress-group and egress are not listed in XVM
Workaround: Switch the tab (i.e. go to dashboard tab and come back to configuration tab) to get the egress and egress-group configurations
Recovery: Switch the tab (i.e. go to dashboard tab and come back to configuration tab) to get the egress and egress-group configurations
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2878 Issue ID: XVM-2878
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Device Type count is shown non zero even when all DTVCs are deleted.
Condition: Issue happens if Deleting Dtcv Fails due to XVM bad connections with the devices to which dtvc belongs.
Workaround: Check Device connectivity
Recovery: When DTCV fails re-add DTCV and try delete again.if problem persists need to check logs to recover.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2894 Issue ID: XVM-2894
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Policies are not reconciled.
Condition: The route-map consists the interface as the nexthop
Workaround: Create the tvf domain or the flood VLAN and provide it as the egress action for the policy rule action
Recovery: None
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2927 Issue ID: XVM-2927
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: The notification message is not displayed when device discovery failed
Condition: When the device discovery request fails due to a connectivity issue
Workaround: None
Recovery: Rediscover the device after resolving the connectivity issue.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2936 Issue ID: XVM-2936
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Removal of one type rules delete complete policy from interfaces
Condition: When single instance of the rule (like L2/IPv4/IPv6) gets removed from policy, complete policy is getting deleted from the interface
Workaround: Remove/Un-bind the policy from the ingress-group and then remove the rule from policy and then attach/bind the policy to ingress-group
Recovery: Remove/un-bind the policy from ingress group and then attach/bind the ingress-group with policy
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2939 Issue ID: XVM-2939
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: In XVM the loopback flag is not reflected on the primary port
Condition: When loopback is enabled on port-channel/lag for MLXe device, in XVM the loopback flag is not reflected on the primary port
Workaround: Perform the refresh configuration after enabling the loopback on the lag or port-channel interface
Recovery: Perform the refresh configuration after enabling the loopback on the lag or port-channel interface
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2943 Issue ID: XVM-2943
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Ingress-group configuration not migrated from MLX to NGNPB and failure notification shown on UI.
Condition: When policy applied in ingress-group is not present on the device.

- Same ingress-group can be created from XVM.

- Retry MLX to NGNPB migration.

Parent Defect ID: XVM-2947 Issue ID: XVM-2947
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: The bulk device deletion failed and the device(s) moved to the error state
Condition: Device deletion request having many devices is failing due to response timeout.
Workaround: Delete the devices in small batches.
Recovery: Select the devices which are in the error state from managed device table and request to delete once again.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2949 Issue ID: XVM-2949
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0

- ingress-group configurations shows primary port of the port-channel.

- ingress-group update with port-channel and primary port of the port-channel throws an error.

Condition: When a port-channel and primary port of the port-channel are added to ingress-group
Recovery: Remove primary port and add the corresponding port-channel to update the ingress-group correctly. Subsequent ingress-group operations should work fine.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2961 Issue ID: XVM-2961
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Intermittently on firmware upgrade of bulk devices , Firmware upgrade status of few of the devices will result in error state on XVM
Condition: While performing firmware upgrade of bulk devices, Firmware activation failure occurs on device due to broken connection between scp server and device, image checksum error, intermittent connection failure between xvm cluster and device
Recovery: Retrigger the firmware upgrade one at a time for devices which are in firmware upgrade error status
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2963 Issue ID: XVM-2963
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Configuration fails to apply on MLX device
Condition: Sometimes configuration pushed from XVM to MLX device fails with error "unable to establish connection: ssh: handshake failed: EOF".
Workaround: None
Recovery: Push the configuration again from the XVM to MLX device.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2972 Issue ID: XVM-2972
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Loopback flag for port channel is not reconciled
Condition: Lag for which loopback flag is enabled which is not deployed
Workaround: Deploy the lag for which loopback is enabled
Recovery: None
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2973 Issue ID: XVM-2973
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Ports are not listed in the lag creation drop down
Condition: When ports are used part of ingress-group or egress (VLAN/TVF), those ports are not listed in drop down during lag creation
Workaround: Remove the ports from ingress group or egress before creating the lag
Recovery: None
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2979 Issue ID: XVM-2979
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Configuration migration from MLXe to 9920 fails with error message "Region Service Message Processing Timedout"
Condition: This can happen due to network connectivity issues or latency between XVM and target device.
Workaround: Retry export configuration operation.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2985 Issue ID: XVM-2985
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Policy creation for MLXe devices from library has unsupported packet slicing options available.
Condition: When policy is created from library page for MLXe devices, packet slicing option is shown to be configured
Workaround: Ignore the packet slicing field when creating policy for MLXe devices from library page
Recovery: None
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2986 Issue ID: XVM-2986
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: UDA Profile import from PCS library to device fails
Condition: During the import of UDA profile created on PCS library, failure message is shown in the notification window.
Workaround: Create the UDA library directly on the device configuration page and associate it with the ingress-group.
Recovery: None
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2987 Issue ID: XVM-2987
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: On MLXe device, policy applied on port-channel member port is not updated/removed when member port is removed from port-channel.
Condition: When a member port of the port-channel is removed directly and port-channel is used in ingress-group
Workaround: Remove port-channel from ingress-group before changing member ports of the port-channel and add it back to ingress-group.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2998 Issue ID: XVM-2998
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Policy/Route-map are removed from interface
Condition: When policy/route-map rule reconciled doesn't have the egress-group is associated with the egress-group
Workaround: Remove the ingress-group which is associated with the policy/route-map, update the policy/route-map rules with egress-group and then add the ingress-group with policy/route-map
Recovery: Refresh the configuration, then update the ingress-group with policy/route-map
Parent Defect ID: XVM-2999 Issue ID: XVM-2999
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.0
Symptom: Policy/Route-maps associated with the interfaces are removed
Condition: When a rule is added to reconciled route-map.
Workaround: Remove ingress group which is associated with the policy/route-map, add the rule to policy/route-map and then add the ingress-group with policy/route-map
Recovery: Refresh the configuration and then associate the policy/route-map with ingress-group.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-3020 Issue ID: XVM-3020
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.1

1. Mismatch seen between the ingress policy dashboard and the device CLI response for the ACLs mapped to an interface.

2. Statistics for an ACL type are missing on the Ingress policy dashboard.


1. Mismatch is seen on ingress policy stats on devices that have scaled configuration.

2. ACL stats will be missing on the dashboard when the CLI is failed due to device connectivity issues.

Workaround: Wait for the next statistics data collection that runs on every three minutes.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-3027 Issue ID: XVM-3027
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.1
Symptom: Removal of port from ingress group is not update on XVM
Condition: When policy is bound with ingress group and port is removed from the ingress group, same is reflected on the device but not on XVM
Recovery: Refresh the XVM page or refresh the device configuration
Parent Defect ID: XVM-3028 Issue ID: XVM-3028
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.1
Symptom: Description of ports is not reconciled for MLX and SLX devices.
Condition: Description of the port is not reconciled for the SLX devices. On MLX devices, the description having underscore " _" is not reconciled.
Workaround: For the MLX device, remove the special characters from the description on the device and reconcile the configuration.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-3035 Issue ID: XVM-3035
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.2
Symptom: Wrong target firmware version displayed.
Condition: During the firmware upgrade in progress, wrong target firmware version is displayed (displays the last directory name).
Workaround: Check the firmware version once the firmware upgrade is completed.
Parent Defect ID: XVM-3038 Issue ID: XVM-3038
Severity: S2 - Major
Product: XVM Reported in Release: XVM 6.1.2
Condition: Sometimes, the device config entries can be hidden by the notification icon that appears at the bottom right corner of the application and might hinder the user to interact with the configuration entries
Workaround: Refresh the full page to get rid of the notification icon