Transport protocol requirements

RESTCONF requires the following transport protocols.

The following is an HTTPS configuration on an SLX device.

on SLX:
crypto key label mykey rsa modulus 2048
crypto ca trustpoint myca
keypair mykey

crypto ca authenticate <trustpoint-name> cert-type <commoncert|https> directory <dir-name> file <file-name> 
host <host-name/ip> protocol <SCP|FTP> user <user-name>
crypto ca enroll myca common brocade country US directory /root/vishu host <server ip> locality SJ organization Brocade 
orgunit Eng protocol SCP state CA user root password pass

On Linux CA:
cd  <your directory>

openssl ca -policy policy_anything -extensions server_cert -out -config openssl.cnf 
-infiles <slx mgmt ip>.csr

From the CA host, find out the certificate creation time.  The time on the switch must be later than this time, 
or the installation will not work:
openssl x509 -noout -text -in <slx mgmt ip>.pem | grep 'Not Before'

On  SLX:
To adjust the time on the switch, run the following command.  You might need to adjust for the time zone:
clock set yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

crypto ca import myca certificate directory <your directory> host <server ip> protocol SCP user root file <slx mgmt ip>.pem 
password pass

copy running-config startup-config
show crypto key mypubkey 
show crypto ca trustpoint 
show crypto ca certificates 
show running-config crypto key
show running-config crypto ca