Download Software from a USB 3.0 Device

Extreme devices support software (firmware) download from a USB 3.0 device. Before you can access the USB device, you must enable the device and mount it as a file system. The software images to be downloaded must be stored in the /brocade/firmware directory. Multiple images can be stored under this directory.



For software download, USB 3.0 used can be in VFAT or EXT4 format. As a best practice, use USB devices with more than 16GB of storage.
  1. Ensure that the USB device is connected to the device.
  2. Enable the USB device from Privileged EXEC mode.
    device# usb on
    Trying to enable USB device. Please wait...
    USB storage enabled
  3. (Optional) Review the USB directory.
    device# usb dir
    config\                 24kB     2019 Oct 30 15:49
      slx1-1.cfg            7kB      2019 Oct 30 15:49
      slx8-1.cfg            16kB     2018 Sep 04 18:34
    support\                0B       2018 Aug 20 12:36
    firmwarekey\            0B       2018 Aug 20 12:36
    firmware\               12374MB  2019 Oct 30 17:59
      slxos20.1.1\          8222MB   2019 Oct 30 18:04
      slxos18s.1.03\        4151MB   2019 Oct 28 17:48
    scripts\                0B       2018 Aug 20 12:36
    Available space on usbstorage 84%(101730496512 Bytes)
  4. Download the software.
    The command includes the relative path to the software directory, which you can see in the output of the usb dir command.
    device# firmware download usb directory slxos20.1.1