Support for RSA 4096 bit SSH hostkey

SLX(config)# ssh server key rsa ?
Possible completions:
1024 1024 bits RSA key
2048 2048 bits RSA key [default]
4096 4096 bits RSA key
SLX(config)# ssh server key rsa 4096

The default RSA hostkey for SSH when the above hostkey is not configured, is 2048 bits.

The SLX provides the SSH server hostkey algorithms RSA, ECDSA P256 and DSA to be configured. It's recommended to use only ECDSA or RSA(minimum 2048 bits) as the hostkeys DSA and RSA 1024 are both insecure with 1024 bit length.

The ECDSA being the strongest algorithm, the OpenSSH server in SLX sends this as the hostkey if it is present. On a linux, the SSH client receives the following message to accept the hostkey sent by the SLX.

The authenticity of host ( can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:LlgBLdBedpJ1AU6GWa4OYjtye6JM4CfR8i8k2SwGOfw.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting yes/no ?

If you remove ECDSA hostkey configured from SSH server key CLI , then the OpenSSH server in SLX negotiates RSA hostkey based on the bit length, which you configured using ssh server key RSA CLI.

The default being 2048 bits. Hence, you need to explicitly configure ssh server key RSA 4096 to use the RSA 4096 bit hostkey and remove ECDSA if it does not consider, so that the server sends RSA 4096 as the hostkey.