A Flow Monitor key must be created before it can be configured. To create a Flow Monitor key, use the create flowmon key key_name command. The key_name can contain up to 32 characters.
Flow keys are used to identify the flows to be tracked by a specified flow group. Flows keys are a combination of parameters that can be generic, for example, 'ipv4', or more specific, for example, 'ipv4 src-port 80 dst-port 122'.
The system will reject any attempt to create a key that already exists.To configure a Flow Monitor key with IPv4 parameters, use the configure flowmon key key_name ipv4 command.
To configure a Flow Monitor key with IPv6 parameters, use the configure flowmon key key_name ipv6 command.
If a specific port list indicates a slot where Flow Monitor is not supported, the command will be rejected.To delete a Flow Monitor key, use the delete flowmon key key_name command.
If a key is added to the group, it cannot be deleted using the delete flowmon key command until the key is deleted from the group. The related template key is disassociated and only deleted when there are no more keys or groups referencing it.
The system will reject any attempt to delete a key that does not already exist.