Release Notes for ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 Patch 9

Extreme Networks is pleased to introduce the ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 Patch 9.



We recommend that you review this document prior to installing or upgrading this product.

About this Patch

ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 Patch 9 is released and resolves 1 field issues reported from users and administrators. If you already installed ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 Patch 8 Interim Fix 01, there is no need to install this update as there are no new resolved issues. This release follows up V7.7.2.8 Patch 8 Interim Fix 01 for customers who are not yet on V7.7.2.8 Patch 8 to prevent them from installing both Patch 8 and an interim fix.

Before installing this update, there are three important changes that administrators should be aware of if they did not install the previous ExtremeSecurity release (V7.7.2.8 Patch 7). This message is being included in the V7.7.2.8 Patch 9 release notes for visibility:

  • TLSv1 is disabled in ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 Patch 7 and above. This change was originally completed in ExtremeSecurity V7.7.3.0 and has been ported to the ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 software stream as of V7.7.2.8 Patch 7. This means that Tomcat will no longer listen and actively refuse browser connections using TLSv1.0 after updating to ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 Patch 9. Browsers will be required to use TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 to authenticate to ExtremeSecurity SIEM. This should only impact users with older or legacy browsers.
  • The installation of ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 Patch 9 and later updates the Java version to Java 8. This change was released as part of V7.7.2.8 Patch 7, but is also being noted for administrators in the release notes for V7.7.2.8 Patch 9 to ensure this change is communicated.
  • The Master Console v0.10.0 or v0.11.0 is not supported on ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 Patch 7, ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 Patch 8, or ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 Patch 9 due to changes made with Java 8 and TLSv1.0 connections as described above. Administrators who require the Master Console should not upgrade to a version above ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 Patch 6.
Fix packs are cumulative software updates to fix known software issues in your ExtremeSecurity deployment. ExtremeSecurity fix packs are installed by using an SFS file. The fix pack can update all appliances attached to the ExtremeSecurity Console. If your deployment is installed with any of the following ExtremeSecurity versions, you can install fix pack 7.2.8-QRADAR-QRSIEM-20170726184122 to upgrade to ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 Patch 9:
Current ExtremeSecurity Version Upgrades to ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 Patch 9?
ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.3 (any patch level) or earlier No, a minimum of ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.4 is required.
ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.4 (any patch level) Yes
ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.5 (any patch level) Yes
ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.6 (any patch level) Yes
ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.7 (any patch level) Yes
ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 (any patch level) Yes

The 7.2.8-QRADAR-QRSIEM-20170726184122 fix pack can upgrade ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.4 ( and later to the latest software version. However, this document does not cover all of the installation messages and requirements, such as changes to memory requirements or browser requirements for QRadar. To review any additional requirements, see the ExtremeSecurity Upgrade Guide. If you are on a version of ExtremeSecurity earlier than ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.4, you must upgrade to ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.4 before proceeding to ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8.



A ExtremeSecurity V7.7.2.8 ISO is available on IBM Fix Central for administrators to want to install a new appliance or virtual machine. Administrators who want to complete a new install need to review the ExtremeSecurity Installation Guide.

Resolved issues



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