

Menu path: Clients.

Clients are computers, portable devices, appliances, switching devices, security devices - anything with an IP address - that appear on the networks visible to A3. The options on this page are used to view established clients and create new ones. In previous versions of A3 clients were referred to as nodes.

The general format and usage of this page is discussed in General GUI Usage.

The facilities available include:

Search Clients

The view offers selectable columns (with the select columns iconsymbol), including:

Clients can be searched with a Simple Search or Advanced Search, based on the position of the advanced switch slider. Simple searches consist of a search for MAC address or owner, whereas advanced searches use multiple search conditions.

Clicking on any entry displays information about that client, as discussed in Client Information.


Each list entry has a check box to the left of the user name. Any number of entries can be checked; all of the entries are checked by checking the box to the left of the Status title. The configu icon drop-down list is used to choose an action to be applied to all the selected items:

Action Usage
Clear Security Event Erases any security event associated with the user.
Register Registers the client.
Deregister Deregisters the client.
Reevaluate Access Reevaluate the access for the client based on current settings.
Disconnect Client Disconnects the client by sending a CoA or disconnect, depending on the Network Devices configuration.
Restart Switchport Restart the switch port to which the client is connected.
Refresh Fingerbank Reevaluate the Fingerbank classification for the client.
Apply Bypass VLAN If selected, a dialog box will prompt for a VLAN number that will override normal VLAN assignment. This setting takes precedence over the Bypass Role.
Apply Role

Associates a role with the client. The roles are those defined in Configuration > Policies and Access ControlRoles.

Apply Bypass Role

Associates a bypass role with the client. The roles are those defined in Configuration > Policies and Access ControlRoles. The bypass role overrides normal calculated role assignment

Apply Security Event

Associates a security event with the user. The security events are:

  • Bandwidth Limit
  • Connection transport change
  • Generic
  • Hostname change
  • Lost or Stolen
  • Nessus Scan
  • OpenVAS scan
  • Parking security event
  • Post Reg System Scan
  • Pre Reg System Scan
  • Provisioning Enforcement
  • Rogue DHCP
  • Spam
  • System Scan
  • Time Expiration
  • Wireless IPS

Simple Search

The simple search choice offers a straightforward means of searching user entries:

Advanced Search

Select the advanced switch slider to access the advanced searches page. Multiple or conditions are joined together with and conjunctions. Each element of an or set can be deleted with the delete iconsymbol or reordered by selecting the item's grid icon symbol. Reordering can occur across or sets.

Several facilities exist for saving and using saved searches:

Each condition has three parts:

Create Clients

Individual clients can be created with the following information:

Field Usage Example
MAC The MAC address of the client. 11:22:33:44:55:66


The perceived owner of the client. default
Status One of Unregistered, Registered, or Pending. Unregistered
Role One of the defined Roles guest
Unregistration When to unregister the client. This setting consists of a time in the format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. Shorthand value are available for periods starting at the current time: one hour, (+1H), one day (+1D), one week (+1W), one month (+1M), one calendar quarter (+1Q), or one year (+1Y). Holding down the CTRL or CMD key while selecting one of these choices indicates that the values are for cumulative use. A calendar is also available; selecting a date sets the unregistration time to the current time on that date. 2019-07-18 15:15:17
Notes Any notes for the client.  


Multiple clients can be imported from a .csv file. Several tabs support the operation. The import takes place in several steps:

  1. open CSV file - selects the .csv file to be imported. Multiple files can be opened simultaneously or individually. Their file names are displayed in the header and must be individually selected and digested.
  2. CSV File Contents - the .csv file is displayed.
  3. CSV Parser Options - the basic formatting of the file is described.
  4. Import Data - individual fields are associated with client values and the file is used to define or refine clients.

CSV File Contents

The contents of the file are displayed. The file can be edited using the keyboard and will be used for import.

CSV Parser Options

The parser options indicate how the .csv file is formatted, aside from the column contents. The fields are:

Field Usage Example
Encoding The type of text encoding used by the file. The available choices are those supported by browsers and listed in https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#names-and-labels. utf-8
Delimeter The delimiting character between fields. Leave blank (which displays as auto) to auto-detect the delimiter from the most common characters. If the auto setting is not effective, the evidence will be seen in the Import Data tab and can be adjusted before clients are defined. (blank)
Newline The newline character or sequence of characters, one of \r (return), \n (newline), or \r\n. Leave blank (which displays as auto) to auto-detect from these choices.  
Header If enabled, the first row of the file will be interpreted as field names. services running icon
Skip Empty If enabled, lines that are empty will be skipped. services running icon
Quote Character The character used to quote fields. The quoting of all fields is not required. "
Escape Character The character used to escape the quote character within a field. If not set, the default escaping of quote character within a quoted field is using the quote character two times. "
Comments A string that indicates the start of a comment within a line. For example, '#' or '//'. #
Preview If greater than 0, then only that number of rows will be used. This option is useful for ensuring proper digestion of the .csv file. 2

Import Data

When this tab is selected, the options in CSV Parser Options are used to parse the .csv file. The table shown is formatted as per the following rules:

Standard Searches

Standard searches are pre-programmed Advanced Search listings. The available searches are:

The results of the standard searches can be further modified through the addition, subtraction, or modification of conditions.

Operating Systems

Saved Searches

Previously saved searches are available for reuse. They are listed on the left side of the screen under the Saved Searches label. Select the saved search that you want to execute. Following the search, the operation is as in the Advanced Search page.

Device Groups

All of the device groups defined in the Network Devices page are listed. Selecting one of the device groups lists those clients in that group. An individual device or range of device addresses can then be selected.

Client Information

Client information is available in several tabs. Information in the Edit tab can be changed. The tabs are:

Several of the tabs offer control buttons at the bottom of the page:


The following editable client fields are offered on this page:

Field Usage Example


The perceived owner of the client. default
Status One of Unregistered, Registered, or Pending. Unregistered
Role One of the defined Roles guest
Unregistration When to unregister the client. This setting consists of a time in the format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. Shorthand value are available for periods starting at the current time: one hour, (+1H), one day (+1D), one week (+1W), one month (+1M), one calendar quarter (+1Q), or one year (+1Y). Holding down the CTRL or CMD key while selecting one of these choices indicates that the values are for cumulative use. A calendar is also available; selecting a date sets the unregistration time to the current time on that date. 2019-07-18 15:15:17
Access Time Balance The remaining access time available, in seconds. 36000
Bandwidth Balance The remaining bandwidth balance, with units of bytes (B), kilobytes (kB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), terabytes (TB), petabytes (PB, or exabytes (XB). 10 TB
Voice Over IP Indicates whether the client is a VoIP device. service stopped icon
Bypass VLAN The bypass VLAN for the client. This setting overrides the VLAN established during authentication. 42
Bypass Role The bypass role for the client. This setting overrides the role established during authentication. Student
Notes Any notes for the client.  

The buttons at the bottom of the page enable further actions for client:

Button Label Action
Reevaluate Access Reevaluate the access for the client based on current settings.
Disconnect Client Disconnects the client by sending a CoA or disconnect, depending on the Network Devices configuration.
Restart Switchport Restart the switch port to which the client is connected.
Refresh Fingerbank Reevaluate the Fingerbank classification for the client.

Copyright © 2021 Extreme Networks. All rights reserved. Published April 2021.