Configure the Cluster Settings

An engine is an instance of a containerized application. This process follows the user interface to configure the orchestration engine settings. From the management IP address, log into the user interface using the admin credentials that you configured under Use the Basic Configuration Wizard.

Go to Cluster Settings > Cluster Configuration and configure the cluster following the order shown on screen:

  1. Deployment Type

  2. Cluster Node Information

  3. Pod Network Configuration

  4. Finish

  1. From the Deployment Type drop-down list, select ExtremeCloud Edge - Managed Orchestration.
  2. Provide the settings for Pod Network Configuration:
    • Pod Network IP Address
    • Pod Network CIDR
    • Service Network IP Address
    • Service Network CIDR
    Click to expand in new window
    Pod Settings
    Pod Configuration Settings
  3. Select Create Cluster.
    Click to expand in new window
    Cluster Creation Process
  4. Select Done.
    Dashboard Displays Results