New in this Document

The following sections detail what is new in this document.

New Commands

The following commands are newly added to this document:


Extreme Integrated Application Hosting:

Fabric IPsec Gateway:


IS-IS hello padding:

Link Debounce

Multi-area SPB

Segmented Management Instance:

Updated Commands

The following commands are updated in this document:

Table 1. Existing Command Updates



boot config flags advanced-feature-bandwidth-reservation

Added vim parameter.

delete ipsec

Updated for IPsec fragmentation before encryption.

ip tcp adjust-mss

Moved to Global Configuration mode.

save config for Fabric IPsec Gateway

Adds ability to overwrite the configuration file without confirmation.

set global

Added parameters to enable or disable SSH access for Fabric IPsec Gateway.

set ipsec

Updated for IPsec fragmentation before encryption.

show auto-sense

Added wait-interval parameter.

show i-sid mac-address-entry

Added home and non-local parameters.

show isis tcp adjust-mss

Updated to show ip tcp adjust-mss.


Added parameter to reinstall ExtremeCloud IQ Agent firmware.


Added key-exchange-method diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 parameter.


Added reset parameter.