Configure Smart RF Select Shutdown Settings

Use the Smart RF select shutdown settings to shutdown 2.4 GHz access points causing interference.

  1. Select Policies > Smart RF.
    A set of existing Smart RF policy list opens.
  2. Select a Smart RF policy from the list.
  3. Select Select Shutdown.
  4. Use Select Shutdown to activate auto-shutdown of radios causing interference within the Smart RF monitored network.
    Auto-shutdown of select 2.4 GHz radios, in dual-band networks, maintains CCI levels within specified limits. When enabled, Smart RF monitors CCI levels to ensure that the deployment average CCI remains within specified minimum and maximum limits. If the deployment average CCI is found to exceed the maximum threshold, 2.4 GHz radios, causing neighbor interference, are shut down one-by-one until the deployment average CCI falls below the specified maximum threshold. The reverse process occurs when the deployment average CCI falls below the minimum threshold. In this scenario, previously deactivated radios are activated until the deployment average CCI reaches acceptable levels.
  5. Configure the following shutdown parameters:
    CCI High Threshold Specify the maximum CCI threshold from -85 dBm to -55 dBm. The default value is -80 dBm. If the threshold is not specified, the system uses the default value as the upper limit for the deployment average CCI range
    CCI Low Threshold Specify the minimum CCI threshold from -85 dBm to -55 dBm. The default value is -100 dBm. If the threshold is not specified, the system uses the default value as the lower limit for the deployment average CCI range
    Frequency Configure the interval, in minutes, at which 2.4 GHz radios are selected for shut down. When the deployment average CCI exceeds the specified maximum threshold, Smart RF shuts down 2.4 GHz radios until the CCI reaches acceptable levels. Use this option to configure the interval between successive radio shut down. Specify the frequency from 0 to 3600 minutes. The default is 60 minutes
    Frequency Limiter Configure the minimum multiple of Interference Recovery frequency that the select-shutdown frequency can be set to. Specify a value from 1 to 1000. The default value is 10
  6. Select Save to update the Smart RF select shutdown settings for this policy.