Basic Access Point Configuration

Once the Access Point is installed and powered on, complete the following steps to get the device up and running and access management functions:

  1. Attach an Ethernet cable from the Access Point to a controller with an 802.3af compatible power source or use the PWRS-14000-148R power supply to supply power to the AP-8162 (once fully cabled).
    If your host system is a DHCP server, an IP address is automatically assigned to the AP-8162 and can be used for device connection. However, if a DHCP server is not available, you‘ll need to derive the IP address from the AP MAC address. Using this method, the last two bytes of the MAC address become the last two octets of the IP address.

    MAC address - 00:C0:23:00:F0:0A

    Zero-Config IP address -

    To derive the Access Point‘s IP address using its MAC address:
    1. Open the Windows calculator be selecting Start > All Programs > Accessories > Calculator. This menu path may vary slightly depending on your version of Windows.
    2. With the Calculator displayed, select View > Scientific. Select the Hex radio button.
    3. Enter a hex byte of the Access Point‘s MAC address. For example, F0.
  2. Select the Dec radio button.The calculator converts F0 into 240. Repeat this process for the last Access Point MAC address octet.Point the Web browser to the Access Point‘s IP address. The following login screen displays:
    Click to expand in new window
    Login Screen
  3. Enter the default username admin in the Username field.
  4. Enter the default password admin123 in the Password field.
  5. Click the Login button to load the management interface.


    When logging in for the first time, you‘re prompted to change the password to enhance device security in subsequent logins.


    If you get disconnected when running the wizard, you can connect again with the Access Point‘s actual IP address (once obtained) and resume the wizard.
  6. If this is the first time the management interface has been accessed, the Initial Setup Wizard automatically displays.
    Click to expand in new window
    Initial Setup Wizard


    The Initial Setup Wizard displays the same pages and content for each Access Point model supported. The only difference being the number of radios configurable by model, as an AP7131 model can support up to three radios, AP6522, AP6532, AP6562, AP8132 and AP7161 models support two radios and AP6511 and AP6521 models support a single radio.
    1. The Introduction screen displays the various actions that can be performed using the wizard under the Function Highlight field.
    2. Use the Choose One type to Setup the Access Point field options to select the type of wizard to run. The Typical Setup is the recommended wizard. This wizard uses the default parameters for most of the configuration parameters and sets up a working network with the least amount of manual configuration.
    3. The Advanced Setup wizard is for administrators who prefer more control over the different configuration parameters. A few more configuration screens are available for customization when the Advanced Setup wizard is used.
    4. The first page of the Initial Setup Wizard displays the Navigation Panel and Function Highlights for the configuration activities comprising the Access Point's initial setup. This page also displays options to select the typical or advanced mode for the wizard.
    5. The Navigation Panel for the Typical Setup Wizard displays the basic configuration options.
      Click to expand in new window
      Navigation Panel
      A green checkmark to the left of an item in the Navigation Panel defines the task as having its minimum required configuration set correctly. A red X defines a task as still requiring at least one parameter be defined correctly.
  7. Select Save/Commit within each page to save the updates made to that page's configuration. Select Next to proceed to the next page listed in the Navigation Panel without saving your updates.


    While you can navigate to any page in the navigation panel, you cannot complete the Initial AP Setup Wizard until each task in the Navigation Panel has a green checkmark.
    For the purposes of this guide, use the Typical Setup (Recommended) option to simplify the process of getting the Access Point up and running quickly with a minimum number of changes to the Access Point‘s default configuration.
    For information on using the Access Point‘s Advanced Setup option, refer to the WiNG Access Point System Reference Guide to familiarize yourself with the feature set supported by the WiNG operating system. The guide is available at