Advanced Network Settings

To configure advanced network settings:

  1. Go to Configure > Networks > WLANS > Add.
  2. Select Advanced.
  3. Configure the following parameters:
    OWE Transition Auto Provisioning
    Enable this option to generate an Opportunistic Wireless Encryption (OWE) network automatically when the network authentication is set to Open. OWE offers security to open networks, ensuring that traffic between an AP and a client is encrypted. Other clients can sniff and record traffic, but cannot decrypt it.
    Agile Multiband
    Enables wireless devices to better respond to changing wireless network conditions. Improved resource utilization helps balance wireless network load, increase capacity, and provide end users the best possible wireless experience.

    This feature is enabled by default. It is supported on ExtremeWireless access points AP3xx, AP4xx, and AP5xx.

    RADIUS Accounting
    Indicates that the RADIUS server will also handle RADIUS accounting requests.

    ExtremeCloud IQ Controller provides Vendor Specific Attributes (VSAs) in the message to the RADIUS server. For more information, see Vendor Specific Attributes.

    Hide SSID
    Prevents the SSID from going in a beacon message but sends out the SSID when a device probes the APs.
    Include Hostname
    Includes the AP Hostname in the beacon signal. Enable this setting to easily identify the access point that is the originator of a particular signal without having to resort to BSSID conversion tables. This feature can be useful during site surveys.

    The Hostname value is limited to 32 characters, no spaces. It can be the same as or different from the AP Name. Both the AP Name and AP Hostname are displayed on the AP List and on the AP Details dialog in ExtremeCloud IQ Controller.

    Radio Management (11k) Support
    Enabling this option helps improve the distribution of traffic in a wireless network by allowing a client to select an AP based on its active subscribers and overall traffic. (This feature is dependent on the client's ability to support this option.) APs serving WLANs with 11k support enabled perform a background scan to collect neighbor AP information and determine alternatives to recommend to the client.
    Quiet IE
    When Quiet IE is enabled, the AP temporarily silences the clients by including a Quiet IE countdown (from 200 to 1) in the Beacons and Probe Responses. When Quiet Count reaches 1, all the clients have to be quiet for the Quiet Duration given in the Quiet IE.
    Power Save mode. Between transmitting packets the client device sleeps and saves power while the access point buffers downlink frames. The application decides when to receive packets.


    U-APSD can interfere with device functionality.
    Admission Control
    Enable one or more of these options to prioritize traffic and provide enhanced multimedia support. When a client connects, it receives a reserved amount of time, which improves the reliability of applications by preventing over-subscription of bandwidth. If Admission Control is enabled, the clients must use it. If a client does not support it, that client's traffic will be downgraded.


    It is not recommended to enable Admission Control if all clients do not support it.
    Admission Control for Voice (VO)
    Forces clients to request admission to use the highest priority access categories in both inbound and outbound directions.
    Admission Control for Video (VI)
    Provides distinct thresholds for VI (video).
    Admission Support for Best Effort (BE)
    If the client does not support admission control for the access category that requires admission control, the traffic category will be downgraded to lower access category that does not have Mandatory Admission control.
    Global Admission Control for Background (BK)
    Provides global admission control for background bandwidth.
    Client to Client Communication
    Control blocking traffic between wireless clients on the same SSID. Select this setting to enable blocking of client-to-client traffic per network. This setting is disabled by default. Blocked client traffic is supported.
    Enable this setting on your network configuration and assign the network to a configuration Profile. Assign the configuration Profile to a device group. All APs, in that device group will block traffic between wireless clients on the SSID.


    Blocking client-to-client traffic on Bridged at AP and Fabric Attach topologies is not supported.
    Clear on Disconnect
    Purge client session after client is disconnected. This option is enabled by default.
    Pre-Authenticated idle timeout (seconds)
    The amount of time (in seconds) that a mobile user can have a session on the controller in pre-authenticated state during which no active traffic is passed. The session is terminated if no active traffic is passed within this time.
    Post-Authenticated idle timeout (seconds)
    The amount of time (in seconds) that a mobile user can have a session on the controller in authenticated state during which no active traffic is passed. The session will be terminated if no active traffic is passed within this time.
    Maximum session duration (seconds)
    The maximum user session length in seconds.