Upgrade EFA on an OVA

Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) is an OVF file packaged with a base image Ubuntu image and installed with EFA.

About this task

See Deploy the OVA for EFA for a list of prerequisites.


  1. Log in to the OVA.
  2. Switch to the super-user.
    # sudo su -
  3. Copy the new tar file to /opt/godcapp/.
  4. Extract the tar.
    device# tar –xvf efa-2.x.x.tar.gz
    device# cd efa
  5. Run the deployment script.
    device# source deployment.sh
  6. When prompted, select Upgrade or Redeploy.
    The upgrade proceeds. Messages describe the progress and indicate when the upgrade is complete.
  7. When the upgrade is complete, update your shell's environment.
    device# source /etc/profile.d/efa_env.sh
    At this point, EFA commands can be run only by the root user. A user must be assigned the SystemAdmin role to run commands as an admin user.
  8. To assign the SystemAdmin role to a user, take the following steps.
    1. Switch to the super-user.
      # sudo su -
    2. Create a new local user and password.
      # adduser admin
      The adduser command prompts you to create a password.
    3. Assign the SystemAdmin role to an admin user.
      device# efa auth rolemapping add  --name admin --type user 
      --role SystemAdmin
    4. Validate the role.
      device# efa auth rolemapping show