efa fabric setting

Displays or updates the IP fabric settings.


efa fabric setting show [ --name | --advanced | --help]
efa fabric setting update [--name fabric-name| --p2p-link-range fabric-name| --loopback-ip-range ip-pool| --rack-l3-backup-ip-range ip-pool| --loopback-port-number id| --vtep-loopback-port-number id| --spine-asn-block asn-pool| --super-spine-asn-block asn| --leaf-asn-block asn-pool| --border-leaf-asn-block asn-pool| --rack-asn-block asn-pool| --anycast-mac-address mac| --ipv6-anycast-mac-address mac| --mac-aging-timeout timeout| --mac-aging-conversation-timeout timeout| --mac-move-limit limit| --duplicate-mac-timer time | --duplicate-mac-timer-max-count max| --configure-overlay-gateway | --bfd-enable | --bfd-tx interval| --bfd-rx interval| --bfd-multiplier multiplier| --bgp-multihop ttl| --max-paths paths| --allow-as-in path| --mtu size| --ip-mtu size| --leaf-peer-group group-name| --optimized-replication-enable yes | no| --spine-peer-group group-name| --super-spine-peer-group group-name| --rack-underlay-ebgp-peer-group group-name| --rack-overlay-ebgp-peer-group group-name| --mctlink-ip-range pool| --lacp-timeout long | short| --mct-port-channel id| --rack-l3-backup-port port| --rack-mct-ports port| --rack-ld-l3-backup-port port| --rack-ld-mct-ports port| --control-vlan id| --control-ve id| --vni-auto-map yes | no| --backup-routing-enable yes | no| --backup-routing-ipv4-range range| --backup-routing-ipv6-range range| --mdtgroup-range range| --default-mdtgroup ipv4-address| --help ]


--name fabric-name
Specifies the name of the fabric.
--p2p-link-range ip-pool
Specifies the IP address pool used for P2P link configuration.
--loopback-ip-range ip-pool
Specifies the IP address pool for the loopback interface to be used for unnumbered and VTEP IP.
--rack-l3-backup-ip-range ip-pool
Specifies the IP address pool for Layer 3 backup.
--loopback-port-number id
Specifies the loopback ID on the device to be used as the donor IP interface for the link between leaf and spine. Valid values range from 1 through 255.
--vtep-loopback-port-number id
Specifies the loopback ID on the device to be used as VTEP IP interface. Valid values range from 1 through 255.
--spine-asn-block asn-pool
Specifies the ASN pool for spine nodes or a single ASN.
--super-spine-asn-block asn
Specifies the single ASN.
--leaf-asn-block asn-pool
Specifies the ASN pool for leaf nodes.
--border-leaf-asn-block asn-pool
Specifies the ASN pool for border leaf nodes.
--rack-asn-block asn-pool
Specifies the ASN pool for rack nodes.
--anycast-mac-address mac
Specifies the IPv4 anycast MAC address in the following format: HHHH.HHHH.HHHH
--ipv6-anycast-mac-address mac
Specifies the IPv6 anycast MAC address in the following format: HHHH.HHHH.HHHH
--mac-aging-timeout timeout
Specifies the MAC aging timeout. Valid values are 0 (for no timeout) or 60 through 86400.
--mac-aging-conversation-timeout timeout
Specifies the MAC conversational aging timeout in seconds. Valid values are 0 (for no timeout) or 60 through 1000000.
--mac-move-limit limit
Specifies the MAC move detect limit. Valid values range from 5 through 500.
--duplicate-mac-timer time
Specifies the number of seconds for detecting a duplicate MAC address.
--duplicate-mac-timer-max-count max
Specifies the maximum number of duplicate MAC addresses that can be detected.
Configures Overlay Gateway.
Enables or disables BFD.
--bfd-tx interval
Specifies the BFD minimum transmit interval in milliseconds. Valid values range from 50 through 3000.
--bfd-rx interval
Specifies the BFD minimum receive interval in milliseconds. Valid values range from 50 through 30000.
--bfd-multiplier multiplier
Specifies the number of times that a packet is missed before BFD declares the neighbor is down. Valid values range from 3 through 50.
--bgp-multihop ttl
Determines the TTL value for eBGP neighbors that are not on directly connected networks. Valid values range from 1 through 255.
--max-paths paths
Specifies the maximum number of paths over which packets can be forwarded. Valid values range from 1 through 64.
--allow-as-in path
Disables the AS_PATH check of the routes learned from the AS. Valid values range from 1 through 10.
--mtu size
(For SLX-OS 21.1 and later versions) The MTU size in bytes. Valid values range from 1500 through 9216.. (For other SLX-OS versions) The MTU size in bytes. Valid values range from 1548 through 9216.
--ip-mtu size
The IPv4 or IPv6 MTU size. Valid values range from 1300 through 9194.
--leaf-peer-group group-name
Specifies the name of the leaf peer group name. Valid name length is from 1 through 63 characters.
--optimized-replication-enable yes | no
Enables optimized replication. The default is no.
--spine-peer-group group-name
Specifies the name of the spine peer group. Valid name length is from 1 through 63 characters.
--super-spine-peer-group group-name
Specifies the name of the super spine peer group. Valid name length is from 1 through 63 characters.
--rack-underlay-ebgp-peer-group group-name
Specifies the eBGP peer group name of the rack underlay. Valid name length is from 1 through 63 characters.
--rack-overlay-ebgp-peer-group group-name
Specifies the eBGP peer group name of the rack overlay. Valid name length is from 1 through 63 characters.
--mctlink-ip-range pool
Specifies the IP address pool to be used for MCT peering.
--lacp-timeout long | short
Specifies LACP timeout for MCT member ports. Accepted values are long and short.
--mct-port-channel id
Specifies the port-channel interface ID to be used as an MCT peer-interface. Valid values range from 1 through 64.
--rack-l3-backup-port port
Specifies the rack Layer 3 backup port number. The default is 0/48.
--rack-mct-ports port
Specifies the rack MCT port numbers. The default is 0/46,0/47.
--rack-ld-l3-backup-port port
Specifies the Rack Low Density L3 Backup port (not applicable to SLX-9250) <STRING: default '0/32'>.
--rack-ld-mct-ports port
Specifies the rack low-density MCT port numbers. The default is 0/30,0/31.
--control-vlan id
Specifies the VLAN ID to be used as the MCT cluster control VLAN. Valid values range from 1 through 4090.
--control-ve id
Specifies the VE ID to be used as the MCT cluster control VE. Valid values range from 1 through 4090.
--vni-auto-map yes | no
Specifies whether to automatically map the VTEP VLAN (or bridge domain) to VNI mode.
--backup-routing-enable yes | no
Enables or disables backup routing.
--backup-routing-ipv4-range range
Specifies the IPv4 backup routing range.
--backup-routing-ipv6-range range
Specifies the IPv6 backup routing range.
--mdtgroup-range range
Specifies the IPv4 multicast address range in IP prefix format. For example:
--default-mdtgroup ipv4-address
Specifies the default IPv4 multicast address. The address must be from the MDT group range.
Provides help for the selected command.
These examples update optimized replication, the MDT group, and the default MDT group.
# efa fabric setting –-update –-optimized-replication-enable yes –-name fabric1

# efa fabric setting –-update –-mdtgroup-range –-name clos_fabric

# efa fabric setting –-update –-default-mdtgroup –-name clos_fabric