Create a Single Segment PFPT VM Network

You can create a single segment PFPT VM network on a non-default physnet and extend the network to DC Edge.

The following figure shows an overview of a single segment PFPT VM network with DC Edge.

Click to expand in new window
Overview of single segment PFPT VM network with DC Edge
Table 1. Commands and impacts
Command EFA Impact

openstack network create --provider-physical-network PFPT_L --provider-network-type flat ss7_pfpt_flat_left

openstack network create --provider-physical-network PFPT_R --provider-network-type flat ss7_pfpt_flat_right

openstack subnet create ss7flatleftsubnet --network ss7_pfpt_flat_left --no-dhcp --subnet-range

openstack subnet create ss7flatrightsubnet --network ss7_pfpt_flat_right --no-dhcp --subnet-range

openstack port create –-network pfpt_flat_left --vnic-type direct-physical ss7_port_pfpt_left

openstack port create –-network pfpt_flat_right --vnic-type direct-physical ss7_port_pfpt_right

openstack network trunk create --parent-port ss7_port_pfpt_left ss7PFPTTrunkLag1

openstack server create --flavor myhuge --image ubuntu --port $(neutron port-list | grep -w 'ss7_port_pfpt_left' | awk '{print $2}') --port $(neutron port-list | grep -w 'ss7_port_pfpt_right' | awk '{print $2}') ss7PFPTLAGVM1 --availability-zone nova:compute-0-10.domain.tld --poll
No impact as operations are on FLAT network type
openstack network create --provider-network-type vlan --provider-physical-network PFPT_LAG --provider-segment 3370ss7network1

EPG Created for ss7network1

Name = 74cbf489-f3d9-41c7-bbb2-6cb7df33da6d

CTAG = 3370

Note - 74cbf489-f3d9-41c7-bbb2-6cb7df33da6d

Is the neutron UUID allocated for the EPG

openstack subnet create ss7subnet1 --network ss7network1 --no-dhcp --subnet-range

openstack subnet create ss7subnet1ipv6 --network ss7network1 --ip-version 6 --no-dhcp --subnet-range fd00:70:0:57::1000/64
No impact as –no-dhcp option is used.
openstack port create ss7PFPTSubPort1 --network ss7network1 --mac-address <same-mac-as-ss7_port_pfpt_left> --vnic-type direct-physical --fixed-ip subnet=ss8subnet1,ip-address= --fixed-ip subnet=ss7subnet1ipv6,ip-address=fd00:70:0:57::10
openstack network trunk set --subport port=ss7PFPTSubPort1,segmentation-type=vlan,segmentation-id=3370

Endpoint corresponding to ss7PFPTSubPort1 added to EPG(ss7network1) VLAN Provisioned

EPG Updated

Name = 84cbf489-f3d9-41c7-bbb2-6cb7df33da6d

Port = lag_2 (added)

openstack port create ss7DcGwPort --network ss7network1 --device-owner network:dc_edge --host DCGW-1 --fixed-ip subnet=ss7subnet1,ip-address= --fixed-ip subnet=ss7subnet1ipv6,ip-address=fd00:70:0:57::30

EndPoint corresponding to ‘host DCGW-1‘ added to EPG (ss9network1) VLAN Provisioned

EPG Updated

Name = 84cbf489-f3d9-41c7-bbb2-6cb7df33da6d

Port = lag_2 ,lag_4 (added)