efa-health show

Verifies the following: connectivity with EFA, database write operations, OpenStack journal thread status, and the status of the EFA Kubernetes cluster.


efa-health show [--advanced ]


Provides detailed status about EFA pods and the cluster. Omit this parameter to return basic status information.

Usage Guidelines

In the output, the EFA Health entry represents EFA reachability and EFA database health.

In the output, the EFA High Availability Status entry shows DOWN even if only one node is DOWN. However, even with one node down, EFA Health remains UP because EFA is still operational.


This example shows basic output for the command.
$ sudo efa-health show
EFA Host                        : efa.extremenetworks.com
EFA Health                      : UP
EFA Health Failure Reason       :
EFA High Availability Status    : UP
EFA Master                      : UP
EFA Slave                       : UP
EFA Neutron Journal Size within Threshold   : NO
EFA Neutron Journal Size Threshold Setting  : 5
EFA Neutron Current Journal Size            : 7
EFA Neutron Journal Maintenance Status      : UP
Run efa-health show with the -–advanced option, which can give EFA POD or cluster status, in detail. This can be used to infer the pods running status on EFA.
$ sudo efa-health show --advanced
EFA Host                        : efa.extremenetworks.com
EFA Health                      : UP
EFA Health Failure Reason       :
EFA High Availability Status    : UP
EFA Master                      : UP
EFA Slave                       : UP
EFA Neutron Journal Size within Threshold   : NO
EFA Neutron Journal Size Threshold Setting  : 5
EFA Neutron Current Journal Size            : 7
EFA Neutron Journal Maintenance Status      : UP
EFA Cluster Status              : 18/28 Pods Running
  rabbitmq-0                                    : Running
  efa-api-docs-67b8c76ddb-2hg7s                 : Running
  gosnmp-service-546d76b6f9-7wb6t               : Running
  goopenstack-service-5b687f9f8c-srlxx          : Running
  gosystem-service-76bbbc6d-jzkng               : Running
  goauth-service-75c88f4986-vqppm               : Running
  goraslog-service-7467fb7759-jm28m             : Running
  gotenant-service-5f8bc9f458-zbz2l             : Running
  gohyperv-service-b546d647f-ws7t8              : Running
  gorbac-service-b546dbdd5-v9dml                : Running
  gofabric-service-65b6f7d4cf-rfq6f             : Running
  gonotification-service-5fb74fc959-2x9lt       : Running
  goinventory-service-79d6545c69-s66tx          : Running
  govcenter-service-7c6cb944dd-2d8lt            : Running
  goinventory-service-79d6545c69-gxtn6          : Init:0/2
  efa-api-docs-67b8c76ddb-n8zfp                 : Running
  gosnmp-service-546d76b6f9-fv8tz               : Init:0/1
  goraslog-service-7467fb7759-rvppq             : Running
  gorbac-service-b546dbdd5-s9qxh                : Init:1/2
  gosystem-service-76bbbc6d-x8x8g               : Running
  govcenter-service-7c6cb944dd-rx7gd            : Init:0/2
  gohyperv-service-b546d647f-zjq97              : Init:0/2
  goauth-service-75c88f4986-9fbn7               : Init:0/2
  gofabric-service-65b6f7d4cf-q7qns             : Init:0/2
  gonotification-service-5fb74fc959-rr724       : Init:0/2
  gotenant-service-5f8bc9f458-n7gm8             : Init:0/3
  goopenstack-service-5b687f9f8c-bfssf          : Init:0/2
  rabbitmq-1                                    : Running