efa-journal list

Lists all journal entries that are present in the extreme journaling database, along with their statuses.

efa-journal list

This example lists all journal entries and their statuses.

$ efa-journal list
| Id | Object Type |             Object UUID              | Operation | state      | Retry Count |            Reason            | 
| 77 |   network   | 208421ad-483e-4e45-8c6f-d135146a1ee7 |   create  | failed     |      5      |   EFA connection timed out   | 
| 78 |    subnet   | 0443d876-eafb-4b8c-9c83-7d32c2cccad6 |   create  | failed     |      0      | Parent Journal ID: 77 failed | 
| 79 |     port    | 9cb6d418-d916-4be8-aad5-1cb07d388d5f |   update  | failed     |      0      | Parent Journal ID: 77 failed | 
| 80 |   network   | b22415ef-afdc-46fa-834f-8506c132da08 |   create  | failed     |      5      |   EFA connection timed out   | 
| 81 |    subnet   | 2a1e3aea-c996-45f1-94f9-84b604597dc3 |   create  | failed     |      0      | Parent Journal ID: 80 failed | 
| 82 |     port    | 4f3fe359-8de9-45f6-be4b-b9d7c565399f |   update  | failed     |      0      | Parent Journal ID: 80 failed | 
| 83 |   network   | 2237342e-95ec-44c2-92e6-706092b1eda3 |   create  | processing |      0      |                              | 