efa tenant service bgp peer-group update

Adds, deletes, or updates a BGP peer group for the specified tenant.


efa tenant service bgp peer-group update [ --name peer-group-name | --operation { peer-group-add | peer-group-delete | desc-update } |--pg-asn string | --pg-bfd string | --pg-bfd-enable string | --pg-remove-private-as stringArray | --pg-md5-password string | --pg-md5-password-prompt-enable { true | false } | --pg-name string | --pg-next-hop-self string | --pg-update-source-ip string | --tenant tenant-name | --description description | --pg-ipv4-uc-nbr-prefix-list-in string | -pg-ipv4-uc-nbr-prefix-list-out string | --pg-ipv4-uc-nbr-route-map-in string | --pg-ipv4-uc-nbr-route-map-out string | --pg-ipv6-uc-nbr-prefix-list-in string | --pg-ipv6-uc-nbr-prefix-list-out string | --pg-ipv6-uc-nbr-route-map-in string | --pg-ipv6-uc-nbr-route-map-out string ]


--name peer-group-name
Specifies the name of the BGP peer group instance.
--operation { peer-group-add | peer-group-delete | desc-update }
Specifies the type of operation you are performing: add a peer group, delete a peer group, or update a description.
--pg-asn string
Specifies the ASN of the BGP peer group with a string in the following format: device-ip;peer-group-name,remote-asn.
--pg-remove-private-as stringArray
Turns the remove-private-as setting on or off per BGP peer group, created for external connectivity, in the following format: device-ip,pg-name:true|false. For example:,pg1:true.
By default, the setting is off.
--pg-bfd string
Specifies the BFD properties of the BGP peer group with a string in the following format: device-ip:peer-group-name,bfd-enable(true/false),interval,min-rx,multiplier.
--pg-bfd-enable string
Specifies the BGP peer-group BFD in the following format: device-ip,peer-group-name:bfd-enable(true/false).
--pg-md5-password string
Indicates the MD5 password.


BGP MD5 authentication for tenant dynamic peers is not supported.
--pg-md5-password-prompt-enable { true | false }
Turns on secure input for the MD5 password. The default is false.


BGP MD5 authentication for tenant dynamic peers is not supported.
--pg-name string
Specifies the name of the BGP peer group with a string in the following format: device-ip:peer-group-name.
--pg-next-hop-self string
Specifies the next-hop-self for the BGP peer group with a string in the following format: device-ip:peer-group-name,next-hop-self(true/false/always).
--pg-update-source-ip string
Updates the source IP address for the BGP peer group with a string in the following format: device-ip:peer-group-name,update-source-ip.
--tenant tenant-name
Specifies the name of the tenant.
--description description
Describes the BGP service.
--pg-ipv4-uc-nbr-prefix-list-in string
Identifies the IPv4 unicast neighbor with a string in the following format: device-ip,pg-name:prefix-list-name.
-pg-ipv4-uc-nbr-prefix-list-out string
Identifies the IPv4 unicast neighbor with a string in the following format: device-ip,pg-name:prefix-list-name.
--pg-ipv4-uc-nbr-route-map-in string
Identifies the IPv4 unicast neighbor with a string in the following format: device-ip,pg-name:route-map-name.
--pg-ipv4-uc-nbr-route-map-out string
Identifies the IPv4 unicast neighbor with a string in the following format: device-ip,pg-name:route-map-name.
--pg-ipv6-uc-nbr-prefix-list-in string
Identifies the IPv6 unicast neighbor with a string in the following format: device-ip,pg-name:prefix-list-name.
--pg-ipv6-uc-nbr-prefix-list-out string
Identifies the IPv6 unicast neighbor with a string in the following format: device-ip,pg-name:prefix-list-name.
--pg-ipv6-uc-nbr-route-map-in string
Identifies the IPv6 unicast neighbor with a string in the following format: device-ip,pg-name:route-map-name.
--pg-ipv6-uc-nbr-route-map-out string
Identifies the IPv6 unicast neighbor with a string in the following format: device-ip,pg-name:route-map-name.


This example updates a peer group instance by defining several of its attributes.

$ efa tenant service bgp peer-group update --name ten1bgppg1 
--tenant ten1 --operation peer-group-add --pg-name 
--pg-asn,pg2:55002 --pg-bfd-enable,pg2:true 
--pg-remove-private-as,pg2:true --pg-name 
--pg-asn,pg2:55002 --pg-bfd-enable,pg2:true

This example updates a peer group instance and deletes a peer group from an instance.

$ efa tenant service bgp peer-group update 
--name PG1 --tenant tenant11 --operation peer-group-delete 