

Received a response from HAL for configuring/unconfiguring the specified rule, of the given type (policy file or dynamic rule), in the specified port and/or VLAN. The response status could be a success or a failure. If it is a failure, the variable status will hold the error message, that was sent by HAL.


If the response is for a configuration and the status is a failure, then it could be due to incompatible match conditions in the rule, or the hardware slice would have got exhausted. Verify them and correct the rule or the rule priority and try configuring again.



Message Text

Receive a response from HAL for %configType% of %ruleType% %ruleName% in port %portNumString% VLAN %vlanIfInst%. Status - %status%

Message Parameters

Name Type
configType String
ruleType String
ruleName String
portNumString SlotPort
vlanIfInst uInt32
status String