show fabric attach agent

show fabric attach agent


Displays known fabric attach agent information.

Syntax Description

agent Displays Fabric Attach agent information.




The following example shows Fabric Attach agent information:
# show fabric attach agent
Fabric Attach Agent Status
Service Status:          Enabled
Element Type:            Disabled
Zero Touch Status:       Not Supported
Auto Provision Setting:  Not Supported
Provision Mode:          Not Supported
Client Proxy Status:     Enabled
Standalone Proxy Uplink: 10
Agent Timeout:           240 seconds
Extended Logging Status: Not Supported
Primary Server ID:       00-04-96-a0-a4-93-00-01-00-05
Server Descr: ExtremeXOS (model name) version xos_22.5 
  by cmbuild on Wed Mar 28 08:57:47 EDT 2018
Forward Management VLAN: Enabled 


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 22.5.

The information about whether or not Fabric Attach proxy switches send Management VLAN data to clients was added in ExtremeXOS 30.6.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, and X695 series switches.