configure vm-tracking vpp delete

configure vm-tracking vpp vpp_name delete [ingress | egress] [policy policy_name | dynamic-rule rule_name] {policy-order policy_order}


Specifies that the LVPP should stop using the specified policy or rule.

Syntax Description

vpp_name Specifies the name of an existing LVPP.
delete Specifies whether the LVPP should stop using the specified policy or rule.
ingress Specifies that the policy mapped to the LVPP is for ingress traffic.
egress Specifies that the policy mapped to the LVPP is for egress traffic.
policy_name Specifies a policy to add to or delete from the LVPP.
rule_name Specifies a dynamic ACL rule to add to or delete from the LVPP.



Usage Guidelines

Multiple ACL or policy files can be mapped to each LVPP. A maximum of 8 ingress and 4 egress ACL or policies are available to be mapped to each LVPP. If the policy file or dynamic rule specified in this command fails to bind, then the CLI command is rejected.

Before you can configure an LVPP, you must first create it with the create vm-tracking vpp command.


The following command configures LVPP vpp1 to use the dynamic ACL rule named rule1 for ingress traffic:

# configure vm-tracking vpp vpp1 add ingress dynamic-rule rule1


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 12.5.

The ingress and egress keywords were added in ExtremeXOS 12.6.

Platform Availability