Create a New User Account

You can create new user and admin accounts for using the NPB application.

Before you begin



Only users with admin roles can create new user accounts.
Note the following guidelines for creating new user accounts:
Table 1. User-account guidelines
User-defined variables Values
username 1-40 alphanumeric characters, including underscore and dot.

Underscore as first character is not allowed.

rolename Pre-defined role to be assigned to the user (‘admin‘ and ‘user‘ are the only supported roles).
password 8-40 characters for plain-text password

8-128 characters for hashed passwords

encryption-level 0 = clear-text (default)

10 = encrypted

About this task

An admin user can run all supported CLI commands. ****user role that can run all show and other basic CLI commands.


  1. Enter the Config mode.
  2. Create the required user account with the appropriate role.
    • admin
    • user
    username username role rolename password password 


device(config)# username jdoe role user password iKt1Sas*p

device(config)# username jsmith role admin password "uber#p@ssW0^b" encryption-level 10