Known Behaviors

The following are limitations in ExtremeXOS system architecture that have yet to be resolved.

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Known Issues, Platform-Specific, and Feature Change Requests (CRs)

CR Number Description
xos0069435 The SSH rekey interval cannot exceed the SSH idle timeout interval. If the SSH rekey interval is greater than the idle timeout interval, rekey does not occur and the SSH session is terminated after reaching the rekey interval.
Workaround: Configure the SSH idle timeout to be less than the SSH rekey time interval.
ExtremeSwitching X690 Series Switches
xos0067697 On ExtremeSwitching X690 series switches, Tri-speed (10/100/1000 BaseT) BASET optic is not supported.
xos0068281 On ExtremeSwitching X690-48t copper ports, EAPS convergence time is greater than 100 milliseconds.
xos0069619 For ExtremeSwitching X690 series switches, with L2VPN sharing enabled and more than one LSP present, encapsulated packets egress tagged even though egress port is configured as untagged.
xos0066970 In the output of the show fan command, the fan tray revision and part number appears only for first fan tray in stack.