What's New in Release 24.06

Location - Triangulation Dashboard

The new Location - Triangulation dashboard tracks client location using the Triangulation method of determining client location, which provides a more precise method of determining client location than the existing AP association method. Triangulation takes Received Signal Strength (RSS) readings from multiple APs into account to calculate a specific client location on the venue floor plan.

The new dashboard provides greater accuracy to location analytics data and includes location-based charts that report information such as client counts per venue area, dwell times in specific areas, and client movement throughout the venue, all using triangulation data.

Triangulation leverages the location tracking features of ExtremeCloud IQ Controller. To deploy this feature, you must configure Location Tracking on the controller, including importing the floor plan map, configuring the areas that you will use to track locations, and provisioning access points. Business Insights ingests the location information from the controller automatically.



Existing dashboards, such as the Location Dashboard, still use the existing location by AP association method (where client location is assumed to be the same as the location of the AP to which the client associates).
Secondary Filters for Additional Granularity

Selected Historical and Live dashboards now include secondary filters that provide additional data granularity to dashboard reports. For example, you can use filter options on the Summary dashboard to output a dashboard report for a specific event that returns all clients that connected to applications such as Google or Facebook..

Tracked Applications per User

The Tracked Applications page now lets you select different applications to track per user. A user can now select their own applications to track without impacting the tracked applications of other users under that customer.