Defects Closed With Code Changes

The following defect was closed with code changes in this release of the software.

Parent Defect ID: NPB-5953 Issue ID: NPB-5953
Severity: S4 - Minor
Product: NPB Reported in Release: NPB
Symptom: ACL and routemap/listener-policy configuration fails when sequence number is greater than 4095 but the error message conveys the supported range as 1-65535.
Condition: The NGNPB stratum supports only 24 bits. The max supported ACL & Routemap/ListenerPolicy sequence number allowed is 1-4095 each.

The displayed CLI error messages are not specific to the platform.

Parent Defect ID: NPB-6008 Issue ID: NPB-6008
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: NPB Reported in Release: NPB
Symptom: Listener policy stanza sequence ID is not applied while calculating the priority of Egress ACL. The priority was calculated considering only ACL sequence ID.
Condition: When multiple listener policy with same set of Access list with same sequence id and different stanza sequence ID. There is possibility (that low priority listener policy is processed before high priority.
Parent Defect ID: NPB-6013 Issue ID: NPB-6013
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: NPB Reported in Release: NPB
Symptom: Wrong port range are displayed in XCO under port LED section.
Parent Defect ID: NPB-6023 Issue ID: NPB-6023
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: NPB Reported in Release: NPB
Symptom: Whenever traffic ingresses to system, some of the traffic was getting impacted and dropped for ingress group and interfaces which did not had the route map policy association with correct sap in hardware.
Condition: When there were multiple events of association / removal of interfaces to / from different ingress groups that had triggered the issue of inappropriate sap association with route map policy. Basically during configuration and de-configuration of overlapping interfaces across multiple ingress groups.
Parent Defect ID: NPB-6025 Issue ID: NPB-6025
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: NPB Reported in Release: NPB
Symptom: Logs are not getting displayed on XCO when LC is removed/inserted, PSU removed/inserted, Fan Inserted/Removed.
Recovery: Fix is added to display logs when LC is removed/inserted, PSU removed/inserted, Fan Inserted/Removed.
Parent Defect ID: NPB-6040 Issue ID: NPB-6040
Severity: S3 - Moderate
Product: NPB Reported in Release: NPB
Symptom: When remote port is shut, show media output was showing rxpower value as 0.
Condition: Remote port is in admin shut state