Open Defects

There following defects are open in ExtremeCloud Orchestrator 3.5.0.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-3445 Issue ID: XCO-3445
Product: XCO Reported in Release: EFA 3.0.0
Symptom: DRC will not identify the drift and hence will not reconcile the drifted configuration

Below are the steps to reproduce the issue:

1. Configure multi rack Non-CLOS fabric.

2. Manually remove the below set of configurations on device under


no neighbor 172.x.x.x password xxxx

no neighbor 172.x.x.x update-source loopback 1

no neighbor 172.x.x.x peer-group overlay-ebgp-group

address-family l2vpn evpn

no retain route-target all

3. Execute "efa inventory drift-reconcile execute --ip <device-ip>"

Recovery: Manually reconfigure the removed configurations from the device

Parent Defect ID: XCO-3471 Issue ID: XCO-3471
Product: XCO Reported in Release: EFA 3.1.0
Symptom: Stale BGP Peer-group entry configured under router BGP on SLX Border leaf and Spine devices with none of the BGP neighbors linked with the Peer group.

1. Create a 3-stage CLOS fabric, add devices with MCT leaf, spine, and border-leaf and configure the fabric

2. Convert the 3-stage CLOS fabric to a 5-stage CLOS fabric using the fabric migrate command

"efa fabric migrate --type "3-to-5-stage" --source-fabric <source-fabric> --destination-3-stage-leaf-spine-pod <pod-name> --destination-3-stage-border-leaf-pod <pod-name>"

3. Add super-spine POD devices to the migrated 5-stage CLOS fabric

4. Disconnect the BorderLeaf to Spine links and reconnect the BorderLeaf to Super-Spine links

5. Configure the migrated 5-stage CLOS fabric

Recovery: Manually delete the stale BGP peer-groups from both the Border Leaf and Spine devices

Parent Defect ID: XCO-8191 Issue ID: XCO-8191
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.0
Symptom: If you run concurrent epg update commands operation as port-group-add or vrf-add on bridge-domain EPGs that are associated with more than one ctag, one or some of the commands may fail with error "Save for device failed".
Condition: This is observed more often when more than 3 concurrent EPG port-group-add commands with non-conflicting ports and non-overlapping ctag-range are executed. Occasionally, configuration information that is pushed by one command is not used properly to prepare command recipe for another, causing the failure of one command.
Workaround: Rerunning the failing command will succeed. The error is intermittent and does not cause permanent changes. XCO state information is not affected at any point.
Recovery: No recovery is required as no state change is done as part of this failure.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-8550 Issue ID: XCO-8550
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.0
Symptom: IPV6 deployment failing with default GW errors even IPv6 XCO server can reach to default Gateway.

IPv6 deployment is failed in below condition.

Failed condition-

default proto static metric 1024

nexthop via 2600:3c01:e000:e2::2 dev eth0 weight 1

expecting the below pattern -

fe80::/64 dev veth0a9acd23 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium

default via 2620:100:c:e085:20c:29ff:fee1:3ec1 dev ens160 metric 1024 pref medium


User has to add the default route using below command-

sudo ip -6 route add default via <IPv6 address of default gw> dev <exit interface>


sudo ip -6 route add default via fc00::5:204:96ff:fed6:f288 dev eth0

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9190 Issue ID: XCO-9190
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.0
Symptom: VM GUI Library matches shows 2 devices when only 1 device discovered.
Condition: Remove all the devices and discover only one device.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-9307 Issue ID: XCO-9307
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.4.0
Symptom: After the upgrade from 3.4.2 to 3.5.0, removing all the configuration from XCO devices and restoring the 3.4.2 backup followed by manual DRC failed to push the configurations to the devices.
Condition: After the upgrade from 3.4.2 to 3.5.0, when the user removes the configurations, back and restore followed by manual DRC failed to push the configurations to the devices. However, backup and restore function works fine right after the upgrade without removing the configurations.
Workaround: No
Recovery: No
Parent Defect ID: XCO-9363 Issue ID: XCO-9363
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.4.0
Symptom: After removing the tenant using the --force option, Fabric binding is not applied on the physical interfaces which were part of the port-channel/physical interfaces.
Condition: Issue is observed when user issues the command 'efa tenant delete --name <tenant_name> --force'
Workaround: User needs to unbind the policies (QoS) from all the relevant targets (fabric/tenant/port/port channel/tenant endpoint group) before executing the force operations including delete to avoid the stale policies(QoS) in the system.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9844 Issue ID: XCO-9844
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.1
Symptom: The EPG created with a VRF containing duplicate static routes within the system. When another EPG is created using the same VRF, an error occurs due to a discrepancy between the device-configured static routes and those stored in the database. As the database should not contain duplicate static route entries for the VRF.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create VRF without any duplicate static routes.

2. Create EPG with the VRF.

3. Update VRF with duplicate static routes.

4. Create another EPG with same VRF.

Workaround: Ensure that the duplicate static routes are not provided when updating the VRF.
Recovery: Use the 'static-route-delete' operation to eliminate any duplicate static routes during the update of the VRF. Then, re-add the static routes using the 'static-route-add' operation, ensuring that no duplicates are present.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9942 Issue ID: XCO-9942
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.5.0
Symptom: Few PO's will remain on SLX Devices and Few PO's will remain in XCO database after executing EPG delete and PO delete in quick succession. [Two commands run at the same time]
Condition: Few PO's will remain on SLX Devices and few PO's will remain in XCO database after executing EPG delete and PO delete in quick succession. [Two commands run at the same time]
Workaround: Delete EPG and wait for the profile to be applied on the PO's and then delete PO's after making sure EPG delete is complete.
Recovery: GO to SLX device and remove the PO's manually and do inventory device update.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9997 Issue ID: XCO-9997
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.5.0
Symptom: After successful reconciliation, the DRC status shown as "cfg-refreshed" when dynamic peer is drifted.,

1) Dynamic Peers with both family IPv4 and IPv6 are created.

2) One of the address family dynamic peers is drifted.

3) After reconciling, other family dynamic peer is in cfg-refreshed.

Recovery: The address-family which in "cfg-refreshed state", after reconcile, please issue "no address-family ...." of VRF and once again issue the drift-reconcile command, the App State will be back in "cfg-in-sync" state.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-10050 Issue ID: XCO-10050
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.1
Symptom: Fabric devices are in cfg-refreshed state due to drift identified in interface description as part of events notification.
Condition: Users overwrite the description of the interface which is configured by fabric service.
Recovery: efa inventory device drift-reconcile --execute <ip> --reconcile
Parent Defect ID: XCO-10051 Issue ID: XCO-10051
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.6.0
Symptom: App-state for device shows cfg-refresh-error in 'efa fabric show'.
Condition: The LLDP neighbor data is not added to the inventory database when length of chassis ID for a device is more than 50 characters.
Workaround: Modify the chassis name with less than 50 characters of length.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-10052 Issue ID: XCO-10052
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.1
Symptom: Fabric devices are in cfg-refreshed state due to drift identified in out of box peer-group configuration.
Condition: Users configure the peer-group on devices and mapped to the lowest neighbour Ip and without configure l2vpn properties includes (peer-as-check, encapsulation and next unchanged)
Recovery: Users configure the peer-group on devices and mapped to the highest compare with fabric configured neighbour IP.

neighbor 200.250.x.x peer_group <overlay>

Parent Defect ID: XCO-10067 Issue ID: XCO-10067
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.5.0
Symptom: After adding border-leaf to the fabric, fabric-internal profile is not getting applied on the MCT port-channel.
Condition: After adding new devices (leaf/border-leaf) to the fabric followed by fabric configure, fabric-internal profile is not getting applied on the MCT Port-channel of the newly added devices(leaf/border-leaf).
Workaround: User can issue rebind the fabric internal port QoS profile using the following command.

Bind Fabric internal ports QoS profile:

efa policy qos profile bind --name <profile_name> --fabric <fabric_name> --port fabric-internal

Recovery: User can issue rebind the fabric internal port QoS profile using the following command.

Bind Fabric internal ports QoS profile:

efa policy qos profile bind --name <profile_name> --fabric <fabric_name> --port fabric-internal

Parent Defect ID: XCO-10069 Issue ID: XCO-10069
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.5.0
Symptom: Fabric devices are in cfg-refreshed state due to LLDP Link down (LD) event.
Condition: LD event is triggered
Recovery: Configure fabric using CLI "efa fabric configure –name <fabric_name> "
Parent Defect ID: XCO-10073 Issue ID: XCO-10073
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.5.0
Symptom: Statistics and Syslog are not displayed or updated in XCO device overview and view logs pages respectively.
Condition: When SLX (9140/9240) device is discovered with IPv6 address.
Workaround: Discover the SLX device with IPv4 address.
Recovery: Delete the device which is discovered with IPv6 address and re-discover with IPv4 address.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-10093 Issue ID: XCO-10093
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.5.0
Symptom: The firmware rollback is restricted with an error message "Firmware download for Device IP is not in uncommitted status" on 9920 devices
Condition: Firmware rollback triggered for 9920 devices
Workaround: Perform the firmware upgrade using firmware host with the intended firmware version of the rollback.
Recovery: None