Defects Closed without Code Changes

No defects were closed without code changes in ExtremeCloud Orchestrator 3.5.0.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-6964 Issue ID: XCO-6964
Reason Code: Already implemented
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.2.0
Symptom: Upgrade was successful but a failed message displays at the end of upgrade.

message is "Status: Failed"

Condition: Upgrade XCO with latest build.

Issue is seen only on customer setup.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9178 Issue ID: XCO-9178
Reason Code: Not reproducible
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.4.0
Symptom: When a device is removed from fabric which has QoS configuration, not all QoS configuration is removed from the device and EFA.
Condition: Device is deleted from fabric
Workaround: User needs to unbind the policies (QoS) from all the relevant targets (fabric/tenant/port/po) before executing the fabric device delete to avoid the stale policies (QoS) in the system.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9195 Issue ID: XCO-9195
Reason Code: Working as designed
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.0
Symptom: XCO 3.3.0 VM GUI won't allow library copy for matches.
Condition: Go to the Library page using the XCO GUI and try to make a copy using the edit option.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9217 Issue ID: XCO-9217
Reason Code: Already implemented
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.0
Symptom: CLI for "efactl restart" throwing retrying and failed messages on customer setup only.
Condition: Run the CLI "efactl restart" command on GTAC setup and user can see the failed pop-up trace even those pods restart completed successfully.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9224 Issue ID: XCO-9224
Reason Code: Design limitation
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.4.0
Symptom: QoS application is not taking place after changing interface switch port modes or changing the interface from L2 to L3 or vice-a-versa through OOB (out of band) means.
Condition: Modifying the switchport mode followed by executing auto DRC.
Recovery: Remove all OOB Interface configuration and restore the configuration to the original EFA configured values and re-run DRC.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9341 Issue ID: XCO-9341
Reason Code: Insufficient Information
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.2.1
Symptom: App state for one of the border leaf shows 'cfg-refresh-error'.
Condition: Due to some reason if mariadb restarts on active XCO node, "Error : dial tcp <xco-ip>:3306: connect: connection refused; invalid transaction; invalid transaction" is seen for 'efa fabric show' command. After db connection is successful, the app state for one of the border leaf shows 'cfg-refresh-error'.
Recovery: To update the app-state for the device, use the following recovery steps:
  1. On SLX: shut MCT ports.
  2. On XCO: efa inventory device update –ip <device-ip>
  3. On SLX:, no shut MCT ports
  4. On XCO: efa inventory device update –ip <device-ip>
Parent Defect ID: XCO-9354 Issue ID: XCO-9354
Reason Code: Feature or function is not supported
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.1
Symptom: Threshold monitor configuration for monitor types (lif, bfd-session, vxlan-tunnel, mac-table) failed when we configure thru XCO to SLX device (starting from SLX version - 20.5.3).
Condition: Use XCO 3.3.1 and SLX version 20.5.3 and try below cases,

1. Set monitor threshold for lif, bfd-session, vxlan-tunnel, mac-table thru XCO failed only when we use count/interval fields.

2. Unset monitor threshold for lif, bfd-session, vxlan-tunnel, mac-table thru XCO failed. Here Unset logic tries to clear all fields including count/interval fields by default.


1. Set monitor threshold for types lif, bfd-session, vxlan-tunnel, & mac-table thru XCO without count/interval fields.

2. Unset can't be done by XCO. Instead it can be unset directly in SLX using the following commands:

no threshold-monitor <monitor-type>

Or use XCO 3.3.1 with SLX version 20.5.2a for functioning without any issues.