Verifying the status of the management port

  1. On the system console, enter the show system command to check the status of the management port.
    device# show system 
    Stack MAC                     : b8:25:62:00:00:00
      -- UNIT 0 --
    Unit Name                     : SLX
    Up Time                       : up 17 days
    Current Time                  : 11:54:11 GMT
    SLX-OS Version                : 20.1.1
    Jumbo Capable                 : yes
    Burned In MAC                 : HWaddr
    Management IP                 :
    Management Port Status        : DOWN
      -- Power Supplies --
    PS1 is faulty
    PS2 is OK
      -- Fan Status --
    Fan 1 is Ok, speed is 17945 RPM
    Fan 2 is Ok, speed is 18125 RPM
    Fan 3 is Ok, speed is 17945 RPM
    Fan 4 is Ok, speed is 18125 RPM
    Fan 5 is Ok, speed is 18125 RPM
  2. If the status of the management port is DOWN, enter the interface management command to configure the management port correctly. Refer to the “Ethernet management interface” section of the Extreme SLX-OS Management Configuration Guide.
  3. If the problem persists, contact your device support provider.