Configuring the threshold-table for adjustment threshold

Use the autobw-threshold-table command at the MPLS configuration level to begin configuration of the table. This command leads to a new parser mode config-mpls-autobw-threshold-table. Under this mode, commands to remove and add a row in the table is provided.

To set the adjustment-threshold table, complete the following steps.

  1. Enable the device for configuration.
  2. Enable the MPLS router.
    device(config)# router mpls
  3. Enable the auto-bandwidth threshold table.
    device(config-router-mpls)# autobw-threshold-table 
  4. Configure the auto-bandwidth threshold table.
    device(config-mpls-autobw-threshold-table)# bandwidth-ceiling 10 threshold 2000
    device(config-mpls-autobw-threshold-table)# bandwidth-ceiling 1000 threshold 3000
    device(config-mpls-autobw-threshold-table)# bandwidth-ceiling 10000 threshold 5000
  5. Note


    The user is also required to set the default scenario. The case from the last threshold configured to maximum bandwidth value. If the user does not set this values, the threshold value for the maximum (previous) range is used.
    Configure the default. In this example, the default is configured to 10%.
    device(config-mpls-autobw-threshold-table)# bandwidth-ceiling max threshold percentage 10
    device(config-mpls-autobw-threshold-table)# bandwidth-ceiling max threshold 10000


The following example combines the steps above to configure the adjustment-threshold table.

device(config)# router mpls
device(config-router-mpls)# autobw-threshold-table
device(config-mpls-autobw-threshold-table)# bandwidth-ceiling 10 threshold 2000
device(config-mpls-autobw-threshold-table)# bandwidth-ceiling 1000 threshold 3000
device(config-mpls-autobw-threshold-table)# bandwidth-ceiling 10000 threshold 5000
device(config-mpls-autobw-threshold-table)# bandwidth-ceiling max threshold percentage 10
device(config-mpls-autobw-threshold-table)# bandwidth-ceiling max threshold 10000

Removing threshold entries

To remove one of the threshold entries, complete the following steps.

  1. Enable the device for configuration.
  2. Enable the MPLS router.
    device(config)# router mpls
  3. Enable the auto-bandwidth threshold table.
    device(config-router-mpls)# autobw-threshold-table 
  4. Remove the threshold entry by using the no form of the command.
    device(config-mpls-autobw-threshold-table)#no bandwidth-ceiling 1000 threshold 3000


The following example combines the steps above to remove one of the threshold entries.

device(config)# router mpls
device(config-router-mpls)# autobw-threshold-table 
device(config-mpls-autobw-threshold-table)#no bandwidth-ceiling 1000 threshold 3000

Clearing the threshold table

To clear the threshold table, complete the following steps.

  1. Enable the device for configuration.
  2. Enable the MPLS router.
    device(config)# router mpls
  3. Clear the threshold table using the no form of the command.
    device(config-mpls)# no autobw-threshold-table 
    The table is cleared with this command. If the LSP or template is set to use the global table, the adjustment-threshold considered would be zero (0) (default).


The following example combines the steps above to clear the threshold table.

device(config)# router mpls
device(config-mpls)# no autobw-threshold-table

Configuring an auto-bandwidth template to use the global table for adjustment threshold.

To configure an auto-bandwidth template to use the global table for adjustment threshold, complete the following steps.

  1. Enable the device for configuration.
  2. Enable the MPLS router.
    device(config)# router mpls
  3. Enable the auto-bandwidth template. In this example, template 1 is selected.
    device(config-mpls)# autobw-template template1
  4. Enable the global table.
    device(config-mpls-autobw-template-template1)# adjustment-threshold use-threshold-table


The following example combines the steps above to configure auto-bandwidth template 1 to use the global table for adjustment threshold.

device(config)# router mpls
device(config-mpls)# autobw-template template1
device(config-mpls-autobw-template-template1)# adjustment-threshold use-threshold-table

Configuring an LSP to use the global table for adjustment threshold

To configure an LSP to use the global table for adjustment threshold, complete the following steps.

  1. Enable the device for configuration.
  2. Enable the MPLS router.
    device(config)# router mpls
  3. Select and enable LSP. In this example LSP1 is selected.
    device(config-mpls)# lsp lsp1
  4. Enable auto-bandwidth.
    device(config-mpls-lsp-lsp1)# autobw
  5. Configure the adjustment threshold to use the threshold table.
    device(config-mpls-lsp-lsp1-autobw)# adjustment-threshold use-threshold-table


the following example combines the steps above to to configure an LSP1 to use the global table for adjustment threshold.
device(config)# router mpls
device(config-mpls)# lsp lsp1
device(config-mpls-lsp-lsp1)# autobw
device(config-mpls-lsp-lsp1-autobw)# adjustment-threshold use-threshold-table

Configure the LSP or template to use percentage values.

To configure the LSP to use the percentage values, complete the following steps

  1. Enable the device for configuration.
  2. Enable the MPLS router.
    device(config)# router mpls
  3. Select and enable LSP. In this example LSP1 is selected.
    device(config-mpls)# lsp lsp1
  4. Enable auto-bandwidth.
    device(config-mpls-lsp-lsp1)# autobw
  5. Configure the adjustment threshold to use the percentage values.
    The user issues the same command with the no option. The LSP now uses the percentage threshold.
    device(config-mpls-lsp-lsp1-autobw)# no adjustment-threshold use-threshold-table


The following example combines the steps above to configure the LSP to use the percentage values.

device(config)# router mpls
device(config)# router mpls
device(config-mpls)# lsp lsp1
device(config-mpls-lsp-lsp1)# autobw
device(config-mpls-lsp-lsp1-autobw)# no adjustment-threshold use-threshold-table