Installing and Uninstalling Licenses on Universal Switches

This section explains how to obtain and install/uninstall licenses on universal hardware switches.

Obtaining and Installing Licenses

For universal hardware switches, you can activate a license on the switch using either of the following methods:

  1. Manual activation by obtaining the license activation file from Support Portal.
  2. Automated activation using ExtremeCloud IQ. For information about using ExtremeCloud IQ for bulk automated license activation, go to
For manual license generation and installation:
  1. Follow manual activation instructions for license generation available on the Extreme Portal: Products > Products Home > ExtremeSwitching > Universal > EXOS (for your switch) > Activation Instructions.
  2. Load the license file onto the switch using either of the following commands:

    download [url url {vr vrname} | image [active | inactive] [[hostname | ipaddress] filename {{vr} vrname} {block-size block_size}] {partition} {install {reboot}}

    tftp get [ ip-address | host-name] { vr vr_name } { block-size block_size } remote-file local-file} {force-overwrite}

    To copy from a USB: cp old_name new_name specifying /usr/local/ext. For example: cp /usr/local/ext/old_name /usr/local/cfg/new_name.

    You can place the license file anywhere within the user-visible file system (for example: /usr/local/*).

  3. To install the license, use the following command:

    install license file filename {slot slot}

    This command installs all of the license features contained in the selected license file to the specified slot (node).

Uninstalling Licenses Temporarily

You can temporarily uninstall a license from a switch. This enables you to retain the license entitlement on the switch, and thus, the original license can be used to reinstall the license. You can use this option to temporarily disable a license.

To uninstall a license temporarily from a universal hardware switch, use the following command:

uninstall license file filename [{revoke revocation_file} | withhold ]{slot slot} using the withhold option.

To temporarily uninstall a specific license feature, such as MAC Security (MACsec), from a universal hardware switch, use the following command:

uninstall license product product_name [revoke revocation_file | withhold] {slot slot} using the withhold option.

Transferring Licenses

You can permanently remove a license, which enables you to transfer the license to another switch. This should only be done when preparing to return a defective switch for a replacement switch (RMA).

The uninstall license file filename command accepts filename as a .lic file that contains one or more licenses to be uninstalled. This is the license file that was used to install license.

The uninstall license product product_name command accepts product_name as the name of the license product to be uninstalled. This is the product name as it appears with the show licenses command.

  • To uninstall a license permanently from a universal hardware switch, use the following command:

    uninstall license file filename [{revoke revocation_file} | withhold ]{slot slot} using the revoke option.

  • To permanently uninstall a specific license product, such as PRD-5000-MACSEC, from a universal hardware switch, use the following command:

    uninstall license product product_name [revoke revocation_file | withhold] {slot slot} using the revoke option.

The revoke option invalidates the feature license and generates a revocation certificate, which is the first step to release the license entitlement back to the license entitlement manager (LEM). If the specified file name (for revocation_file) does not have an .rvk extension, it is automatically appended.

To transfer a license from a defective unit to a working unit:
  1. Go to the Extreme Portal.
  2. Select Asset > Licenses Home.
  3. Select License Transfer.
  4. Enter the serial numbers of the defective unit and the replacement unit, and the RMA/case number.