Install the Access Point on a Standard Ceiling Rail

Install the access point on a 15/16 in. standard ceiling rail using the in-built bracket.

Before you begin

Hardware required for ceiling rail installation:
  • An AP305C/CX access point

About this task

The AP305C/CX access point has a built-in bracket in the back of the access point that is used to install the access point to a standard 15/16 in. dropped ceiling grid. For non-standard ceiling rail installations, see Non-Standard Ceiling Grid or Wall Installation.


  1. Place the in-build bracket on a 15/16 in. ceiling grid.
  2. Rotate the access point to 1/8th of a turn until it clicks into place.
    Click to expand in new window
    Built-in brackets for standard ceiling grid mounting
    Built-in brackets with plastic hinges in the back of the access point.
    Callout Description
    1 Built-in bracket in the back of the access point