Configure Local Bias for Handling the LVTEP BUM Traffic

LVTEP is a Logical VTEP (Virtual Tunnel End Point) distributed across an MCT pair (Multi-Chassis Tunnel pair) with both devices configured with same VTEP IP. By default, the Local Bias is disabled for LVTEP BUM (Broadcast, Unicast, and Multicast) traffic handling.

About this task

Follow this procedure to configure Local Bias.

  • When Local Bias is disabled: The LVTEP BUM traffic handling is based on the DF (Designated Forwarder). One of the MCT devices becomes the DF for odd VLANs or BDs. The other MCT device becomes the DF for even VLANs or BDs. When VTEP on one of the MCT devices fails, the other MCT device must assigned itself as the DF for ALL VLANs or BDs.
  • When Local Bias is enabled: Each MCT leaf device acts as a DF for all the VLANs or BDs. Each MCT leaf device can locally forward the BUM traffic towards the remote VTEP. This results in better traffic convergence when the LVTEP on one of the leaf devices goes down.


To configure the Local Bias to handle the LVTEP BUM traffic, run the following command:
efa fabric setting update -–name <fabric-name> --overlay-gateway-broadcast-local-bias-enable {Yes|No}
  • On a switching device, the lvtep-broadcast-local-bias configuration enables Local Bias to handle LVTEP BUM traffic.


    • The Local Bias configuration is not allowed if the cluster configuration already exists on the switching device.
    • You can provide the overlay-gateway-broadcast-local-bias-enable fabric setting on a fabric before the fabric is configured.
    • You cannot modify the fabric settings on an existing deployments.
  • The lvtep-broadcast-local-bias fabric settings apply on switches even though the fabric configured the feature with the supported SLX Platforms (SLX-9540, SLX-9640, SLX-9150, SLX-9250, SLX-9740, SLX-8520, SLX-8720, SLX-882, and SLX Firmware Version 20.4.3 and above).

    If there is any drift in Global Configuration, the efa fabric show command displays that the ”SYSP-C/U” configuration is pending.

  • The lvtep-broadcast-local-bias configuration is applicable only for the dual-homed leaf or border-leaf devices and is not applicable for the single-homed leaf or border-leaf devices.
  • The lvtep-broadcast-local-bias configuration is applicable for both Clos and non-Clos fabrics.
  • The lvtep-broadcast-local-bias fabric setting can be enabled only when the backup-routing-enable fabric setting is enabled.

For syntax and command examples, see the ExtremeCloud Orchestrator Command Reference, 3.3.0 .


Tho following example configures a Local Bias when you update fabric settings:
$ efa fabric setting update --name fs --overlay-gateway-broadcast-local-bias-enable yes
fs Fabric Update Successful

$ efa fabric setting show --advanced --name fs
|              NAME              |         VALUE          |
| Fabric Name                    | fs                     |
| Link IP Range                  |          |
| Loopback IP Range              |        |
| Loopback Port Number           | 1                      |
| VTEP Loopback Port Number      | 2                      |
| Spine ASN Block                | 64512-64768            |
| SuperSpine ASN Block           | 64769                  |
| Leaf ASN Block                 | 65000-65534            |
| Border Leaf ASN Block          | 66000-66100            |
| P2P IP Type                    | numbered               |
| Any cast MAC                   | 0201.0101.0101         |
| IPV6 Any cast MAC              | 0201.0101.0102         |
| MAC Aging Timeout              | 1800                   |
| MAC Aging Conversational       | 300                    |
| Timeout                        |                        |
| MAC Move Limit                 | 20                     |
| Duplicate MAC Timer            | 5                      |
| Duplicate MAC Timer MAX Count  | 3                      |
| BFD Enable                     | Yes                    |
| BFD Tx                         | 300                    |
| BFD Rx                         | 300                    |
| BFD Multiplier                 | 3                      |
| MaxPaths                       | 8                      |
| AllowAsIn                      | 0                      |
| MTU                            | 9216                   |
| IPMTU                          | 9100                   |
| MCT Link IP Range              |          |
| MCT PortChannel                | 64                     |
| LACP Timeout                   | long                   |
| Control Vlan                   | 4090                   |
| Control VE                     | 4090                   |
| Leaf PeerGroup                 | spine-group            |
| Spine PeerGroup                | leaf-group             |
| SuperSpine PeerGroup           | spine-group            |
| Configure Overlay Gateway      | Yes                    |
| VNI Auto Map                   | Yes                    |
| Backup Routing Enable          | No                     |
| Backup Routing IPv4 Range      |          |
| Backup Routing IPv6 Range      | fd40:4040:4040:1::/120 |
| Optimized Replication Enable   | No                     |
| MDT Group IPv4 Range           |            |
| Default MDT Group IPv4 address |              |
| MD5 Password Enable            | No                     |
| MD5 Password                   |                        |
| BGP Dynamic Peer Listen Limit  | 100                    |
| Overlay Gateway Broadcast      | Yes                    |
| Local Bias Enable              |                        |

The following is an example configuration on switch devices:

Rack1-Device1# show running-config overlay-gateway
overlay-gateway fabric1
 ip interface Loopback 2
 map vni auto

Rack1-Device1# show running-config interface Loopback  2
interface Loopback 2
 ip address
 no shutdown

Rack1-Device1# show running-config lvtep-broadcast-local-bias
lvtep broadcast-local-bias
Rack1-Device2# show running-config overlay-gateway
overlay-gateway fabric1
 ip interface Loopback 2
 map vni auto

Rack1-Device2# show running-config interface Loopback  2
interface Loopback 2
 ip address
 no shutdown

Rack1-Device2# show running-config lvtep-broadcast-local-bias
lvtep broadcast-local-bias