IP Fabric and Clos Orchestration Overview

A fabric is a logical container for holding a group of devices. Here it denotes a collection of devices that are connected in a fabric topology and on which you can configure underlay and overlay.

Fabric service provides following features:
  • 3-stage Clos automation
  • 5-stage Clos automation
  • Small Data Center automation
  • Multi-Fabric automation
  • Fabric topology view
  • Fabric validation, error reporting, and recovery
  • Single-homed leaf or multi-homed (MCT) leaf
Fabric CLIs and REST APIs provide the following:
  • Mechanism to create a fabric composed of multiple DC points of delivery (PoDs).
  • Mechanism to configure fabric settings. Fabric settings are collections of settings that control the various parameters of the fabric being managed, for example, Layer 2 and Layer 3 MTU, and BGP maximum paths.

    For more information about the commands, see the ExtremeCloud Orchestrator Command Reference, 3.3.0

  • Mechanism to fetch per-device errors occurring during fabric configuration, for which you can take corrective or remedial actions.

Errors occurring on the device during fabric creation are tagged against the devices and can be retrieved from the CLI and REST APIs for use in taking corrective or remedial actions.