Change MLX Slot Configuration

About this task

All available slots are displayed in the XCO user interface in the Policies and Configuration page of the device detail view. For a selected packet processor of the selected slot, you can change the configuration for header stripping, packet slicing, and packet length match.


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Device Inventory.
  2. In the Devices page, click anywhere in the required device row except the Actions column (Actions column icon) to proceed to the device Overview page.
  3. In the Device Config menu, select Policies and Configuration > Slots.
    Screen shot of the XCO UI, showing the expanded slots
  4. Select Edit ( Edit icon ) from the Actions column (Actions column icon) for the slot you want to update.
    Screen shot of the configuration page, showing the configuration of 2 processors
    The right side of the page displays the current configuration for each processor in the device. You can add, edit, or delete one or more actions for each processor.