efa system settings update

Configures the schedule for automatic database backups and determines the maximum number of backup and supportsave files to save before they are deleted.


efa system settings update [--backup-schedule time |--max-backup-files num |--max-supportsave-files num |--remote-server-ip ip/ipv6 |--remote-transfer-protocol { ftp | scp } | --remote-server-username name |--remote-server-password password |--remote-server-directory directory |--periodic-device-config-backup { Enabled | Disabled } ]


--backup-schedule time
Specifies the schedule for periodic, automatic backups, in the format HOUR:DOM:MON:DOW (hour, day of month, month, day of week). Default is 0:*:*:*, every day at 12 AM.
--max-backup-files num
Specifies the maximum number of backup files to keep. As new backup files are created, older backup files in excess of this value are deleted. The range of values is 2-20. The default is 5.
--max-supportsave-files num
Specifies the maximum number of supportsave files to keep. As new supportsave files are created, older files in excess of this value are deleted. The range of values is 2-20. The default is 5.
--remote-server-ip ip
Specifies the remote server IP where backup is copied. IP address can be either IPv4 or IPv6.
--remote-transfer-protocol { ftp | scp }
Specifies a valid transfer protocol.
--remote-server-username name
Specifies the remote server user name.
--remote-server-password password
Specifies the remote server password. The default is "<prompt>".
--remote-server-directory directory
Specifies the remote server directory where backup is copied.
--periodic-device-config-backup { Enabled | Disabled }
Specifies whether to include device configuration backup in periodic backup. Default is No.

Usage Guidelines

The settings described here enable you to configure details of the remote server where the backup is copied. Use the efa system settings reset command to remove settings.


The details of the remote server are verified before configuring the remote parameters. If you specify a value for any one of the following, you must also specify values for all the others:
  • remote-server-ip
  • remote-server-username
  • remote-server-password
  • remote-server-directory

If the four values have already been set, they are retained in the database. If you then modify any one of them, the other values are used.


efa system settings update --remote-server-ip --remote-server-username extreme 
--remote-server-password password --remote-server-directory efa/backup
Setting Update Successful
efa system settings update --remote-server-ip
Error: Remote server settings missing or incomplete
efa system settings update --remote-server-username extreme
Error: Remote server settings missing or incomplete
efa system settings update --remote-server-ip 
--remote-server-username root --remote-server-password pass 
--remote-server-directory /root/vinod/ --remote-transfer-protocol scp 

Setting Update Successful 

--- Time Elapsed: 148.800033ms ---