efa license add


efa license add [ --filepath string ]


--filepath string
Specifies the name of the license file with path.


efa license add --filepath /Users/SSAVLA/git/GoDCApp/XCO/licensing/scripts/lservlcXIQSE-E55555555555555555555555555555551012202312-43AM.lic 


|                         License File                         |   License Type    | License Features |            Start Date             |          Expiration Date           | Max Concurrent Users | 


| lservlcXIQSE-E55555555555555555555555555555551012202312-43AM | Normal Standalone | PRD-XCO-EFA-D    | at 0:00 hrs (UTC) on Oct 12, 2023 | at 23:59 hrs (UTC) on Nov 11, 2023 | 1                    | 


License details 

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