ExtremeCloud™ Orchestrator (XCO) is an orchestration application that provides a unified and holistic graphical user interface (GUI) and application programming interface (APIs) for visibility management (visibility skill) and fabric-wide life cycle management (fabric skill) with highly scalable and flexible deployment model for Extreme solutions.
XCO integrates Extreme Fabric Automation (EFA) and Extreme Visibility Manager (XVM) solutions into a single orchestration solution. XCO provides common infrastructure and consistent installation and upgrade strategies for MLX, SLX, Extreme 8000 series, and 9920 devices with a focus on scalability and performance.
XCO provides an industry leading user interface with a comprehensive, microservices-based solution to tailor the network to the changing user behavior. The user interface enables IP fabric life-cycle management of SLX, and Extreme 8000 series devices and visibility and policy management of MLX, SLX, and 9920 devices.
For information about evolution of EFA and XVM into XCO, see the ExtremeCloud Orchestrator CLI Administration Guide, 3.4.0 .
All procedures in this document are performed through GUI.