Device-Triggered Generic Profile

This is a template for configuring network parameters for VoIP phone support without 802.1X authentication. The profile is triggered after an LLDP packet is detected on the port.

# Last Updated: April 11, 2007
# Tested Phones: Avaya 4610, 4620, 4625
# Requirements: LLDP capable devices
# @MetaDataStart
# @ScriptDescription "This is a template for configuring network parameters for VoIP phones support LLDP but without authentication.  The module is triggered through the detection of an LLDP packet on the port.   The following network side configuration is done: enable SNMP traps, QOS assignment, adjust POE reservation values based on device requirements, add the voiceVlan to the port as tagged. "
# @VariableFieldLabel "Voice VLAN name"
set var voicevlan voiceavaya
# @VariableFieldLabel "Send trap when LLDP event happens (true or false)"
set var sendTraps false
# @VariableFieldLabel "Set QoS Profile (true or false)"
set var setQuality false
# @MetaDataEnd
if (!$match($EVENT.NAME,DEVICE-DETECT)) then
create log message Starting_LLDP_Generic_Module_Config
# VoiceVLAN configuration
configure vlan $voicevlan add port $EVENT.USER_PORT tagged
#SNMP Trap
if (!$match($sendTraps,true)) then
create log message Config_SNMP_Traps
enable snmp traps lldp ports $EVENT.USER_PORT
enable snmp traps lldp-med ports $EVENT.USER_PORT
disable snmp traps lldp ports $EVENT.USER_PORT
disable snmp traps lldp-med ports $EVENT.USER_PORT
#Link Layer Discovery Protocol-Media Endpoint Discover
create log message Config_LLDP
configure lldp port $EVENT.USER_PORT advertise vendor-specific med capabilities
configure lldp port $EVENT.USER_PORT advertise vendor-specific dot1 vlan-name vlan $voicevlan
configure lldp port $EVENT.USER_PORT advertise vendor-specific med policy application voice vlan $voicevlan dscp 46
configure lldp port $EVENT.USER_PORT advertise vendor-specific med power-via-mdi
#Configure POE settings per device requirements
create log message Config_POE
configure inline-power operator-limit $EVENT.DEVICE_POWER ports $EVENT.USER_PORT
#QoS Profile
if (!$match($setQuality,true)) then
create log message Config_QOS
configure port $EVENT.USER_PORT qosprofile qp7
if (!$match($EVENT.NAME,DEVICE-UNDETECT) && $match($EVENT.DEVICE_IP, then
create log message Starting_LLDP_Generic_UNATUH_Module_Config
if (!$match($sendTraps,true)) then
create log message UNConfig_SNMP_Traps
disable snmp traps lldp ports $EVENT.USER_PORT
disable snmp traps lldp-med ports $EVENT.USER_PORT
create log message UNConfig_LLDP
unconfig lldp port $EVENT.USER_PORT
if (!$match($setQuality,true)) then
create log message UNConfig_QOS
unconfig qosprofile ports $EVENT.USER_PORT
unconfig inline-power operator-limit ports $EVENT.USER_PORT
if (!$match($EVENT.NAME,DEVICE-UNDETECT) && !$match($EVENT.DEVICE_IP, then
create log message DoNothing_0.0.0.0
create log message $EVENT.TIME
create log message End_LLDP_Generic_Module_Config