RFC 2613 (SMON)

The following tables, groups, and variables are supported in this MIB.

Table/Group Supported Variables Comments
smonVlanStatsControlTable smonVlanStatsControlIndex A unique arbitrary index for this smonVlanStatsControlEntry.
smonVlanStatsControlDataSource The source of data for this set of VLAN statistics. This object MAY NOT be modified if the associated smonVlanStatsControlStatus object is equal to active (1).
smonVlanStatsControlCreateTime The value of sysUpTime when this control entry was last activated. This object allows a management station to detect deletion and recreation cycles between polls.
smonVlanStatsControlOwner Administratively assigned named of the owner of this entry. It usually defines the entity that created this entry and is therefore using the resources assigned to it, though there is no enforcement mechanism, nor assurance that rows created are ever used.
smonVlanStatsControlStatus The status of this row. An entry MAY NOT exist in the active state unless all objects in the entry have an appropriate value. If this object is not equal to active (1), all associated entries in the smonVlanIdStatsTable SHALL be deleted.
smonVlanIdStatsTable smonVlanIdStatsId The unique identifier of the VLAN monitored for this specific statistics collection. Tagged packets match the VID for the range between 1 and 4094
smonVlanIdStatsTotalPkts The total number of packets counted on this VLAN.
smonVlanIdStatsTotalOverflowPkts The number of times the associated smonVlanIdStatsTotalPkts counter has overflowed.
smonVlanIdStatsTotalHCPkts The total number of packets counted on this VLAN.
smonVlanIdStatsTotalOctets The total number of octets counted on this VLAN.
smonVlanIdStatsTotalOverflowOctets The number of times the associated smonVlanIdStatsTotalOctets counter has overflowed.
smonVlanIdStatsTotalHCOctets The total number of octets counted on this VLAN.



The number of times the associated smonVlanIdStatsNUcastOctets counter has overflowed.
smonVlanIdStatsCreateTime The value of sysUpTime when this entry was last activated. This object allows a management station to detect deletion and recreation cycles between polls.
dataSourceDapsTable dataSourceCapsObject Defines an object that can be a SMON data source or a source or a destination for a port copy operation.
dataSourceCopyCaps PortCopy function capabilities of the specified dataSource. Note that these are static capabilities, which SHOULD NOT be adjusted because of current resources or configuration.
dataSourceCapsIfIndex This object contains the ifIndex value of the ifEntry associated with this smonDataSource. The agent MUST create 'propVirtual' ifEntries for each dataSourceCapsEntry of type VLAN or entPhysicalEntry.
portCopyConfigTable portCopySource The ifIndex of the source which has all packets redirected to the destination as defined by portCopyDest.
portCopyDest Defines the ifIndex destination for the copy operation.
portCopyDestDropEvents The total number of events in which port copy packets were dropped by the switch at the destination port due to lack of resources. Note that this number is not necessarily the number of packets dropped; it is just the number of times this condition has been detected. A single dropped event counter is maintained for each portCopyDest. Thus all instances associated with a given portCopyDest will have the same portCopyDestDropEvents value. The value for this field is “0” (zero) due to hardware limitation.

This object affects the way traffic is copied from a switch source port, for the indicated port copy operation. If this object has the value copyRxOnly (1), then only traffic received on the indicated source port will be copied to the indicated destination port. If this object has the value copyTxOnly (2), then only traffic transmitted out the indicated source port will be copied to the indicated destination port. If this object has the value copyBoth (3), then all traffic received or transmitted on the indicated source port will be copied to the indicated destination port.

The creation and deletion of instances of this object is controlled by the portCopyRowStatus object. Note that there is no guarantee that changes in the value of this object performed while the associated portCopyRowStatus object is equal to active will not cause traffic discontinuities in the packet.


Defines the status of the port copy entry. In order to configure a source to destination portCopy relationship, both source and destination interfaces MUST be present as an ifEntry in the ifTable and their respective ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus values must be equal to up (1). If the value of any of those two objects changes after the portCopyEntry is activated, portCopyStatus transitions to notReady (3).

The capability of an interface to be source or destination of a port copy operation is described by the copySourcePort (0) and copyDestPort (1) bits in dataSourceCopyCaps. Those bits should be appropriately set by the agent, in order to allow for a portCopyEntry to be created.

smonPrioStatsControlTable Not supported due to hardware limitations.