Bluetooth for ExtremeXOS

ExtremeXOS 30.3 introduces switch management using Bluetooth. You can connect to the switch and manage it using Bluetooth from mobile devices or laptops. Bluetooth is enabled by default.

Supported Platforms

Switches: ExtremeSwitching X465 series switches.

Adapters: Dongles with a common Bluetooth controller (Cypress CY20702). Vendors with CY20702 pluggable and CC&C (USB-BT-400).


  • Stacking with Bluetooth is not supported. Currently, access to a slot connected with a Bluetooth device is supported, but other slots cannot be accessed.
  • No security procedures are initiated by ExtremeXOS for Bluetooth connectivity.
  • Only a specific list of Bluetooth dongles is supported.
  • Only one Bluetooth adapter is enabled per card. Other adapters will be in powered off state.

New CLI Commands

enable switch bluetooth {discovery | pairing }

disable switch bluetooth {discovery | pairing }

clear switch bluetooth device [all | address]

show switch bluetooth [statistics | inventory]