ExtremeSwitching 5520 Series Switches License Information

The ExtremeSwitching 5520 series switches are part of a new category of switches called universal hardware switches. The universal hardware switches introduce a new licensing scheme.

The legacy and universal switch license levels correlate in the following way:

Premier = Core

Base = Advanced Edge + AVB

The ExtremeSwitching 5520 series switches provide the Base License as standard. Optionally, you can purchase a Premier license, which adds additional functionality.

You can add MAC Security capability to either the Base or Premier License by purchasing a MAC Security Feature Pack License.

ExtremeSwitching 5520 series switches include a one-year subscription to an ExtremeCloud™ IQ Pilot license.



The entitlement period starts the day the switch ships from Extreme Networks or an Extreme Networks distribution partner.

ExtremeCloud IQ enables end-to-end network management and operations, delivering a fully integrated, extensible platform that simplifies the design, deployment, and security of networks from the edge to the data center, while simultaneously unlocking valuable IT and business insights. To activate these premium Pilot level capabilities, go to https://www.extremenetworks.com/universal-switch-xiq-pilot.

Different commands are introduced in ExtremeXOS 31.1 to install and remove licenses from the ExtremeSwitching 5520 series switches (see New CLI Commands). Additionally, at a future date, ExtremeCloud IQ will have the ability to obtain and activate licenses (see https://www.extremenetworks.com/support/documentation/extremecloud-iq/).

For more information about licenses, see the ExtremeXOS 31.1 Feature License Requirements .

New CLI Commands

install license file filename {slot slot}

uninstall license file filename {revoke directory} {slot slot}

uninstall license product product_name [revoke revocation_file | withhold] {slot slot}

Changed CLI Commands

Changes are underlined.

show licenses {[slot slot |all]} {detail}

configure stacking {node-address node-address | slot slot-number} license-level license_restriction[core | advanced-edge | edge]

The following command has keywords removed.

configure stacking {node-address node-address | slot slot-number} license-level license_restriction

The following commands now show licensing information specific to ExtremeSwitching 5520 series switches:

show stacking configuration

show stacking {node-address node_address | slot slot_number} detail