Rogue Device Detection

A rogue AP is defined as an unsanctioned BSS (Basic Service Set) that is attached to your sanctioned wired infrastructure. The Rogue AP alarms and the alarms of their associated rogue clients are listed in the Alarms table.

You can locate rogue APs and their clients on a floor map, and you can terminate the rogue AP.


Before locating a rogue AP or client, you must enable ExtremeLocation Essentials and configure a floor map for each location.

To determine wireless rogue devices, Extreme AirDefense Essentials considers the MAC address of a wired AP and calculates the BSS MAC address range for that wired AP. If the BSS of another AP is within the range of that calculation — between the wired MAC address and the calculated BSS — that intruding AP is considered rogue. Clients associated with the rogue AP are considered rogue clients.