Installing and Uninstalling Licenses on non-Universal Hardware Switches

This section explains how to obtain and install/uninstall licenses for non-Universal Hardware switches.

For the series switches, in addition to the CLI method listed below, you can use ExtremeCloud IQ to obtain licenses. For information about using ExtremeCloud IQ, go to

To obtain and install a license:


You should have received by email a license voucher after your purchase of a switch. You will need the voucher ID number on this email to generate a license.
  1. Go to the Extreme Portal to obtain a license file:
    1. Select Asset > Licenses Home.
    2. Select Generate License.
    3. In the Generate License dialog, type the ID number in the Voucher ID box, and then select Next.
    4. Enter the hardware serial number of the device the license will be applied to.
    5. Select the box to acknowledge the terms and conditions, and then select Submit.

      The Voucher Details page displays the license key or license file at the bottom.

  2. If you have a license file (extension .lic):
    1. Load the license file onto the switch using either of the following commands: download [url url {vr vrname} | image [active | inactive] [[hostname | ipaddress] filename {{vr} vrname} {block-size block_size}] {partition} {install {reboot}}

      tftp get [ ip-address | host-name] { vr vr_name } { block-size block_size } remote-file local-file} {force-overwrite}

      To copy from a USB: cp old_name new_name specifying /usr/local/ext. For example: cp /usr/local/ext/old_name /usr/local/cfg/new_name.

      You can place the license file anywhere within the user-visible file system (for example: /usr/local/*).

    2. Run the following command to install the license:

      enable license file filename

  3. If you have a license key (format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx), run the following command to install the license:

    enable license {software} [key ]

To remove a license:

clear license [{software} | port-speed]



This command should be used only with the advice of a representative from Extreme Networks.