L3 Flavors

L3 flavors allow multiple backends in a single Neutron deployment.

L3 flavors allow multiple backends in a single Neutron deployment, each with its own logical network topology, completely separated from each other. It allows incremental migrations from one backend to the other.

Command Description
openstack network flavor profile create --driver networking_extreme.l3.l3_flavor.ExtremeL3ServiceProvider

Creates Flavor Profile <flavorprofileid>

openstack network flavor create --service-type L3_ROUTER_NAT l3_extreme Creates a network flavor
openstack network flavor add profile l3_extreme <flavorprofileid> Adds the Profile to the Flavor using the < flavorprofileid>
neutron router-create router1 --flavor l3_extreme Creates a Neutron router using the create flavor


For Journaling support in flavors create a flavor profile using openstack network flavor profile create --driver networking_extreme.l3.l3_flavor_v2.ExtremeL3ServiceProviderv2.

Replace l3_extreme in the table above with l3_extreme_v2 and follow the same steps for the journaling flavor.

For changes required in the Neutron configuration file, see Configure Neutron to Connect to EFA and Enable Journaling.

When you create a router with a specific flavor the flavor framework looks up the service profiles for that flavor and creates the router using the associated drivers. Once a driver is selected for a router, the router or driver association is stored in the database, so any future operations on the router can look up the driver without going through the flavor framework.

A centralized or distributed router can be specified on router creation along with the flavor. By default, a centralized router is created.