Verify EFA Health

The EFA Health utility is provided as part of the installation package.

The health utility enables you to verify connectivity to EFA, database write operations, and the status of the EFA Kubenetes cluster.


This feature creates a VRF for testing the health status. So the tenant vrf-count option will account for this additional VRF.


Run efa-health show to show a summary health status.
$ efa-health show 
EFA Host        : 
EFA Health      : UP 
Database Health : UP 
Primary Node    : tpvm 
Cluster Status  : 14/14 Pods Running


Run efa-health show --advanced to show a detailed health status.
$ efa-health show –advanced
EFA Host   		 :
EFA Health		  : UP
Database Health	    : DOWN (Unable to connect to Tenant Service)
Master Node		 : tpvm 
  rabbitmq-0: Running 
  efa-api-docs-5886cb6fb4-w4qsg		  : Running
  gosnmp-service-56dc6c46c8-dzrlh	      : Running
  gosystem-service-67767c4796-xncrn	    : Running
  goopenstack-service-84fd5784f5-k88hw	 : Running
  goauth-service-56f8665858-vdvrz	      : Running
  gorbac-service-75c6f5f976-5pbr5	      : Running
  gonotification-service-79b4989ff6-dxwdv     : Running
  goinventory-service-75847f48d9-4l9vr	 : Running
  gofabric-service-77fddfc474-dqw4d	    : Running
  goraslog-service-5b8c9c979b-ztt7l	    : Running
  gohyperv-service-785d457475-bftvv	    : Running
  gotenant-service-64dd55b96f-f9wqd	    : Running
  govcenter-service-5f6c64b5b-h58fg	    : Running


Sample output of advanced efa-health show when the gotenant pod is down, indicating an issue with creating routers.
$ efa-health show –advanced
EFA Host   		:
EFA Health		 : UP
Database Health	   : DOWN (Unable to connect to Tenant Service)
Master Node		: tpvm

Cluster Pods Status (13/15 Pods Running):
  rabbitmq-0					   : Running 
  efa-api-docs-5886cb6fb4-r52mq		    : Running
  gosnmp-service-56dc6c46c8-6zgrk	        : Running
  gosystem-service-67767c4796-4tr2v	      : Running
  goopenstack-service-6dcdb44d95-7xgcb	   : Running
  gorbac-service-7b4d67d9d8-wvdvn		 : Running
  goauth-service-85ff7bcc7d-ckf7m		 : Running
  gofabric-service-68f9965ccd-w4fjm	      : Running
  goinventory-service-6c5d5846d9-fbq2n	   : Running
  gonotification-service-79cdd65d76-2m2jf       : Running
  goraslog-service-5f4b5ff756-trflk	      : Running
  govcenter-service-78f8454f84-jg42h	     : Running
  gohyperv-service-7d776d4f67-tgwt6	      : Running
  gotenant-service-584c47b9df-kzxtm	      : Pending
  gotenant-service-584c47b9df-cjbwr	      : Terminating